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posted by eagle on July, 2009 as ANALYSIS / OPINION


15.07.2009 11:39 

From the conversation with the author of the publication of "The Caucasian captives" Naim Neflyashevoy I became aware that the article was edited and published in the Independent newspaper, as amended without the consent of the author. On this specially for visitors to the portal "Heku Zihiya" we publish the original article under the original title "Who opal Olympic flame? ". 

In the Northern Caucasus, where the news and so reminiscent of frontal reports, formed a new knot of contradictions: Sochi Olympics in 2014 could become not only a sporting occasion and the Olympic dream, but in the Caucasus and to provoke further political problems that go far beyond the region. 

Historical context 

May 21, 1864 in the town Kbaada, one of the Krasnaya Polyana, which is formed around the mythology of the Russian Olympic project - 2014, upstream Mzymta was solemnly celebrated - prayer and the parade of troops - the end of the Caucasian War. After the enormous human and financial losses, the resistance state of Shamil, the Russian empire have free access to the Black Sea, captured the strategically important region rich in fertile land and natural resources, and finally closed the issue of «possession of the Caucasus», space, that Alexander I, in conversation with A. Yermolov described as «interrupts our efforts in the wars with Persia and the Ottoman Porto». 

Politics «appeasement Caucasus», which started after the end of hostilities, had his overriding loyalty to the formation of the empire and was an enormous experience designing an entire region, aiming at economic integration of the province, searching for ways to control the Caucasus, the formation of entire estates and new highland elites. The global geopolitical plans to expand the empire perception of people of different subregions of the Caucasian, it was different - the biggest problem caused Highlanders West Caucasus, Adygea, or Circassian, a historical residence in the territory of which were the last battle of the Caucasian War. About how to deal with western mountaineers to reverse the course of a protracted war, thought such well-known Russian politicians like D. Milutin governor and the Caucasus A. Baryatinskiy. 

In the Russian political establishment in the Caucasus, two competing projects, each of which posed a vector in the current diversity of approaches to build the architecture of population of North-West Caucasus. Project Chief of Staff of the Caucasian line of Lieutenant-General GI Filipsona assumed gradual conquest of the Caucasus and the minimization of the victims civilians, while the commander of troops Kubanskaya area and Nakazny ataman of the Adjutant General, N. I. Evdokimov advocated more stringent measures - settling the territory traditionally inhabited by highlanders between Laboy and White rivers and the eastern coast of the Black Sea Cossack page and eviction of local people on the plains or in Turkey. 

In the heated debate Yevdokimov was more convincing, and his idea has found more supporters. Deputies from the Circassians met with Alexander II in autumn 1861. and asked not to evict them «to the places where fathers and grandfathers lived», pledging «henceforth these places equally with the troops to defend against your enemies until the last drop of blood». Despite the promise of the emperor, the military operations by Russian troops continued even in the territories of the highlanders who have expressed their obedience, and in response to the new petition Circassians Alexander ordered «evict indicate where or to resettle in Turkey». 

The magnitude of the demographic and human catastrophe that occurred with the Circassians in 1850-60-ies., In its higher manifestations is not inferior to the level of ancient tragedy. Even the policy of the inner circle Yevdokimov were surprised cruelty and haste with which his vision. Contemporaries of events, among them many Russian officers describe how people in a panic threw their native land, property and the graves of their ancestors. Thousands of backlog on the Black Sea coast of hungry men and women, ragged children for several months waiting for ships that sailed to the ground edinovernogo Sultan. Most have died on the way from hunger and disease, often тонули any ships at sea. The image is already dead in Novorossiysk Bay young Circassian, near which was trying to escape her hungry baby, described one of the Russian military, for many generations of Adygea became the embodiment of the tragic senselessness of the situation. Jubilee edition in 1914, on completion of the Caucasian War, contains the following lines: «Military operations in the West Caucasus, stripped of historical maps, some Caucasian people and destroyed even the memory of them». 

In the academic tradition, there is a wide range of assessments of the causes muhadzhirstva (Highlanders care of their historic homeland in the Ottoman Empire). One group of scholars evaluates it as a Russian-Ottoman project, carried out not without the participation of clergy adygskogo, sincerely or out of selfish considerations played card spiritual closeness Adygea edinovernomu Sultan, Khalifa of the faithful. As a result of such a scenario, Russia has received the land free of «violent thieves», Turkey - a healthy population, which has developed the tradition of military culture, to use it in its Balkan provinces. Estimates of regional historians to limit polarized. North scientists characterize the policy of Russia in relation to the mountain people of North-West Caucasus as a genocide in which more than 96% of the population turned away from their historical homeland. Krasnodar’s historians are the most intransigent opponents of this view, which sometimes go beyond the limits of decency and tradition of academic debate, as a voluntary care, finance and logistics by Russian authorities. 

Since then, all of a like a - a story Gorsky Caucasian polueskadrona protecting the lives of the emperor and his family, and the Wildlife Division, defending the honor of the Fatherland, have become familiar scenes stories of imperial Russia. During the Soviet period, have experienced all the horrors of Adygea, ups and downs of the Soviet regime, and, most importantly, an opportunity to live in public entities, even when apparently their quasi-nature, they are the title peoples - in Adygeya, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay - Circassia. 

Descendants Mohajirs, which is nearly 3 million diaspora settled in 50 countries around the world, and above all the highest generals and the military, particularly influential in modern Turkey and Jordan, always responsive to what is happening in Russia. Adygskaya diaspora supported actions of Russia in August 2008 at numerous rallies in Turkey, Syria and Europe. Not without the influence of strong Circassian lobby in August 2008 in Russia came to the King of Jordan to provide humanitarian assistance to South Ossetia, and Turkey, in contrast to other NATO countries are not condemned the actions of Russia in August 2008. 

The theme of reuniting with fellow strident yearning for the lost homeland, a Caucasian as a lost paradise in the culture Mohajirs have always existed. Already in 1890 there were numerous motions on Highlanders return home, they are overcrowded, all the archives of the North Caucasus. Only in the 1990s. transgosudarstvennyh adygskih emergence of civil society organizations (stress that at this time none of them raised the question of the revival of the Great Cherkessia and severely restricts their activities and cultural - educational activities), active contacts with the Diaspora, Research Expedition of Russian ethnographers and folklorists have given the issue of return to historic home a real prospect.
However, to this day the Russian legal framework is extremely controversial and rather creates obstacles to repatriation. The legislation of the Russian Federation, aimed at legal regulation of the return of compatriots who did not apply to representatives adygskoy (Circassian), and the descendants of the Diaspora Mohajirs thus do not fall under the category of compatriots. 

Do I have to comment on the feelings with which the Russian and foreign Circassians by the triumphant outcome of the Olympic vote at the IOC session in favor of Sochi, a city with a Circassian toponymic the center of political activity of Adygea in the XIX century and the territory of residence was once a powerful adygskogo subetnosa shapsugov virtually disappeared in Caucasian War and the flow muhadzhirskom?The accelerated resolution of the problem Circassian repatriation was almost a great expectation, what hope for financial injections and job creation in the economy of the regions close to the Olympic construction site. 

Around «Great Cherkesyy» 

Against holding the Olympics in Sochi immediately launched several Circassian community organizations in Russia and abroad who have recourse to the IOC. The most consistent in its terms, the pursuit and promotion of the topic in the media space is adygskoe republican social movement «Circassian Congress». Murat Berzegov, the leader of the movement, said that the Olympics to be held in the historic residence Circassians, as a good in itself, with the silence Circassian question - and, above all, recognition of the genocide of the Caucasian War of Adygea - Olympics will turn into lies. Statements Berzegova close to him and the leaders of national organizations of the Diaspora adygskih immediately found a positive response, and blew up the forums of many Caucasian websites. Do not bring myself to wait and adygskaya diaspora - in October 2008 in front of Russian Embassy in Istanbul, the Russian Consulate and the office of the UN in New York more than 200 people took to the simultaneous protests under the slogan «Sochi - the land of genocide! "," Net Olimpiade on the roof!. 

About «Circassian Congress» should say especially. On the political field, the North Caucasus, the organization is not so long ago, in 2004, but has managed to distinguish its outstanding shares, consistent and uncompromising stance on a range of issues, its leaders in the mid 2000's he was known newsmakers for the metropolitan and European media.The work of Congress is focused around two issues - the recognition of genocide Adygea Russia in the Caucasus during the war, dealing with the legislative design possibilities Adygea repatriation to their homeland. 

«Circassian Congress» emerged as a reaction to the Kremlin project consolidation regions. In many ways, precisely because of activities of its leaders, at the time zabyvshih on its contradictions with other adygskimi community organizations about the nature and methods of interaction with the edge of Adygea, the project successfully implemented in several Siberian regions, with a crash has failed in the North Caucasus, while attempting a merger with Krasnodar Adygea edge.In the hot days of autumn 2005 in the virtual space was present yet another solution to the problem of «enlargement regions», far from peaceful: Caucasian ridge was open and unprotected, Russia's relations with Georgia were complicated, in a global network to form and accrete details narrativ that Mohajirs descendants, among them many professional soldiers, were prepared through the mountain passes to come to the aid and arms to defend the honor of their tiny homeland. 

Activities «Congress» then quickly gained international resonance: from the Middle East and European diaspora Adygea was established by the World Committee of Solidarity with the Republic of Adygea, with headquarters in Israel. In the State Duma and in the European Parliament were directed treatment, in which the conservation status of the linked to the recognition of the Circassian Genocide. Among the signatories - not only from adygskie but public organizations of Russia and Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Syria, United States, Belgium, Canada and Germany. 

During this period, Adygea was alarm actions siloviki, fearing a repetition of the scenario nalchikskogo 2005.and exceeded its authority in a number of episodes in the local mosques. Gradually, the risks of merging protest of religious and national sentiments increased, the threat of the emergence of new hotbeds of tension in the region was quite real. And the Kremlin, and the Krasnodar regional authorities have shown flexibility - has publicly stated policy of withdrawal problems at all integration. It was then that the first time the idea of building a «Greater Circassia» sounded not in a historical context as well as alternative consolidation regions.«Circassian Congress» suggested that in Russia Adygeya, Kabarda, Circassians and Shapsugiyu in Adygskuyu (Circassian) Republic within the historic boundaries. 

Draft Great Cherkessia is as beautiful as they are fantastichen. Even with timid attempt to implement it, it will provoke new problems and the effects will be not less than the effects of conflict than muhadzhirskoe Movement XIXv. It will determine the boundaries of the new entity? As will be allocated portfolios in the future government, to reach the main role, but who remain in the extras? What people in the North Caucasus, picked up the baton consolidation? Nevertheless, the idea of building the Great Cherkessia have lived separate lives, it will inevitably be updated with any external challenges and used as a political resource of the political elite adygskih different subjects of the Russian Federation for different purposes. 

The last example is - the events in Karachay-Cherkessia. In November 2008, the Government of Karachay-Cherkessia have been staff changes. Premier - a post traditionally assigned to the representative of the Circassian ethnicity - has been appointed necherkes that was seen as a violation of the established equilibrium. In Cherkessk was immediately convened an extraordinary national congress of the Circassian people (Adygea). The congress gathered more than a thousand people, including influential social organizations of the Karachay-Cherkessia, Abkhazia, Adygea and Kabardino-Balkaria, the Appeal adygskoy young people about the feasibility of integrated education entity Russia - Circassia. Delegates Congress voted for this as for the Declaration. 

Declaration clearly irritating the federal center, and so concerned with the problems of Dagestan and Ingushetia, is not supported Kabardian public organizations: kabardintsy already numerically dominate in the Kabardino-Balkaria, the republic since the Soviet times, «two-step» overtaking fellow adygskih in other Russian regions in terms of both material and political, and intellectual capacities to resolve any matter, ethno-political nature. Important is the fact that a relationship with another title kabardintsev people - Balkars - if there is some controversial issues have long been built on the established pattern. 

The image of the Great Cherkessia present a new project - Cherkess Olympic Games in 2012, initiated by the Union of Abkhazian Volunteers of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Coordinating Council adygskih public organizations of Kabardino-Balkaria. Among the objectives of the Olympics 2012 - «the question of consolidation Circassian regions into a single republic; rehabilitation of the Circassian people, only one tenth of whom stayed after the end of the Caucasian War May 21, 1864 g; Circassian repatriation evicted from home ». The goal is that the games will be attended by Circassian (adygskie) athletes from around the world. During the Circassian Olympiad to be used adygskuyu symbols: the presence of a character or a conscious disregard for what happens in the case of the Circassian attributes at the Olympics in Sochi, always no accident; in fact, through the symbol is assigned, «metitsya» area - reception, known almost from the very beginning of human history. According to the sponsors of the Olympics 2012, the use of ethnic symbols should compensate for the absolute lack of Circassian branding attributes in the Sochi Olympics-2014. The plot is certainly not a decisive issue in general. 

Islam orTtraditions? 

And «Circassian Congress», adygskie and other organizations are in a situation where the space of traditionalism and the images to which they appeal, radically changed. Emphasize that the crisis took place against a background of traditional unbridled kavkazofobii and Islamophobia second half of the 1990's - early 2000-ies. When the federal mass media, and especially on the blue screen of an image formed Caucasians as marginal and poor people, Caucasian tradition demonized and seen as a dead-end. For some of the socio-political movements of opposition to the peoples of the Caucasus has become a way of consolidating the Russian nation, almost one manifestation of a historic mission. 

The crisis is due to traditional culture and the changing roles «compilers tradition» - in the region the status of «Senior Men» as the unquestioned authority is not so high, has risen to at least a generation, whose fathers were often unemployed, have not been able to provide his family a decent reputation and difficult are held accountable and cargo ritual obligations to the family.
In 1990-ies. marked by a clear gap between the ideal, immutable ideas about tradition and the way in which tradition was implemented in practice, including the practice of politics. The new republican elite, supporting the establishment of national schools and dance groups, museum exhibits, national literature, education, preferred not to quarrel with the Center, avoiding pedalirovaniya any critical topics emerging in the political issues, primarily at resolving the most acute social issues identified as the «recognition of the genocide Adygea in the Caucasian War».An exception is the project of resettlement of Kosovo Adygea, which probably was the project all the same in Moscow, legally secured the Russian Government Decree «On urgent measures of public support for resettlement of Adygea (Circassian) of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) in the Republic of Adygea». 

In today's world context of traditional culture has become mistrimmed system acting only on the ritual level, weddings and funerals, are also susceptible to the influence of time. The only area in which the tradition of truly living, is playing and changing, has been a dance culture. As a result, became the objective of social and cultural transformations of 1990. Tradition has proved clearly insufficient to stabilize the complex and seal adygskogo society. In this regard, the political rhetoric adygskih socio-political movements of the appeal to tradition is, including an attempt to regain lost influence in the public consciousness in terms of destruction of traditional relationships. 

Competing nationalist discourse, which is typical for organizations like «Cherkess Congress», is a discourse based on a moderate salafizme, its formation is closely linked to the crisis of the traditional ideology. The experience of thinking about their own place in a globalized world, the modernization construction of the Caucasus, is not based on Western models of string to the central idea of monotheism and vsemusulmanskogo brotherhood beyond national, public spaces, and ethnic cultures. This is facilitated by expanding the information content - powerful information flows and the global network pushed the limits of the usual world and provided opportunities exist in a network of Muslim communities, regardless of ethnicity and nationality. 

In the Northwest Caucasian carriers of this type of identity was not a very large group, which can be called new, or young Muslims. They are as incomplete due to the politicization of the state and nation-building, and the period of difficult economic and socio-political transformation. «Jamaat in Adygea is only now taking on the responsibility and the process of modernization and structuring», - told me in an interview with one of its active members. The events of recent months - shooting of the police post on the border of Adygea in Krasnodar, a perfect «Emir Wahhabites Adygea» shows the trend of radicalization of Islam, which runs outside the city of mosques, and therefore not so noticeable. 

Radicals from «young Muslims» not alien experiences about the tragic history muhadzhirstva and subsequent demographic catastrophe In their minds the reasons for the loss of «ethnic person» and traditions create a negatively stained narrativ stay Adygea in the Russian Empire, the USSR and the post-Soviet Russia and will inevitably become a resource that is in the hands of experienced political has all chances to make the fire of Prometheus, chained to the Caucasus mountains ( One of the brightest images effectively in speech, Putin at the IOC session in Guatemala), fueled by no means the Olympic passion. 

Naeem Aminovna Neflyasheva -A senior fellow at the Center for Civilization and Regional Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences. 

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