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Said Minkailov: 'New order' crumbles away

posted by zaina19 on September, 2006 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 9/11/2006 1:48 PM
Said Minkailov: 'New order' crumbles away
Publication time: 10 September 2006, 18:16
Kavkaz Center correspondent Vaha Hasanov recently got in touch by e-mail with Chechen political scientist Said Minkailov and asked him a few questions.

V. H: World events are moving swiftly. There is a number of questions which I would like to discuss.

Last Lebanon -Israeli conflict gave rise in western and prowestern mass media cascade of publications of the very different sense. It's seen that to the usual arrogance and lies of democratic aggression apologists have added pessimism and confusion.

But there are attempts of the objective analysis. I'll cite one article:

"War in Lebanon whatever ends demonstrates another peculiarity of political situation in Middle East: state crisis as institute which is able to ensure the stable development of the Muslim nations. Neither Talibs in Afghanistan, nor Saddam Husein in Iraq, neither Lebanon, nor Palestine politicians cannot resist outer threat, leaning on own state."

It has almost common with said in "Mujahid's reflections".

  S. M: Only replace one word in this phrase and get right sense. From crisis suffers modern state(!) as institute, providing stable enslavement (not development ) of the Muslim nations". It's the important moment. The point is that many of our critics affirm that we come out against state institute as itself. It's not true.

We speak about the falsity of "modern state" which is imposed on the Muslim nations, and appeal to the Islamic, Shariah State. Another matter that in ideas of our national democrats Islamic State means evil, anarchy and" international terrorism".

Yes, really, "new order" goes to pieces. Global regime where tyranny is the system, and Satanism is the only permitted ideology, couldn't exist longer.

Some states silently ignore "the international vertical line". Others loudly announce that they are not going to bear obediently "the order" when some are beyond international law, and others under this notorious law.

V. H. But only Muslim countries don't take part in this club of the protesters. With the exception of Iran (moreover, we disregard its rafidistic essence , contradicting the Sunna).

Is it hard to suppose that among modern Muslim rulers might appear own Ugo Chaves?

S. M. Yes, generally it's so. In Muslim countries are spread the rulers especially useless and controlled. The exception became Malaysian premier Muhathir Mohammad, but only before retiring. If you remember, several years ago on the UOK meeting he said that the jews are turned head by their success, and they make other countries fight for their interests. Then through all world mass-media has burst out the hurricane of indignation. In the statement of Muhathir was such prognosis that just head turned with success becomes the beginning of the end of Zionism.

V. H. And does this prognosis come true?

 S. M. In general, yes. There's no need to be as wise as owl, the prognosis flew from banal, well-known truth.

We have observed that with fall of the communist system international Zionism resorted to the frank cynicism in global politics, completely throwing off the mask of legality and honesty. It's the expected moment when head turned with success transfers in political week-mindedness. It's impossible only by he help of brute force dictate own conditions to the people.

The history teaches us that besides demonstration of the force and the impudence, it's needed to demonstrate at least something close to moral and law.

Lebanon-Israeli conflict has showed out the aggressors' mistakes. In the world of mass-media a number of anti-Jewish appearances were kept silent with application. But the last Zionist outrage in Lebanon gave rise to already becoming ripe changes in the political atmosphere.

Certainly, Security Council UNO has gathered, has been expressed willingness to organize "peace-making forces" in order to save Israel. But the matter is that once complaisant European governments don't want cover Israeli crimes anymore. It's already seen by those delays which they form "peace-making contingent". 60-million France has gathered 200 peace-makers. And many European countries in general shrug its shoulders, giving to understand politely that there's nothing to do in Lebanon.

V. H. They say blood is thicker than water.

S. M. Yes, approximately so. It's more difficult to recruit the cannon-fodder ready to die for Jewish interests in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now in Lebanon.

In the camp of Zionists there are also some serious differences. Having forgot about their "right defending" roles, Russian speaking Jews and their fellows in the West are trying to bring new word "islamo-fascism" into common use. They watch with fear and spite how the Europeans change usual prozionistic position for neutral. Hence hysterical cries about new "Munich agreement".

Many American Jews occupy pragmatic position and prefer not to water against the wind. They are trying to rehabilitate themselves, blaming Israel.

"The most great mistake which could make Israel nowadays, it's forget that it's the mistake by itself. . . The idea to create the state of European Jews in the center of Arabic world gave rise to century of wars and terrorism which we see today".

It's printed in "Washington Post". So ground for panic is more than enough.

V. H. That is all goes to leave Jews face to face with Muslims?

S. M. Yes. With all the ensuing consequences. There's no doubt as about it is said in the reliable Hadith.

V. H. By the way, on the occasion of new terminology which try to bring into common use, I mean "islamo-fascism". Apparently because "international terrorism" became decrepit and doesn't arouse political emotions, speechwriters persistently put "islamo-fascism" to Bush? How are perspectives these attempts?

S. M. The fact is that military-political failure draws like engine failures in economics, moral defeat, loss in information-psychological war. In such moments false terminological innovations are small perspective. The term "islamo-fascism" hardly get accustomed even if Bush and all American congress will repeat all together this word. Essentially, it's the Zionist attempt to find the moral excuse for their crimes.

V. H. But returning to the state theme. In "Mujahid's Reflections" underlines that building the state, orientating on the notorious international law, the Muslims become the hostages of "world order" and such state is doomed on defeat and breakdown by outer aggression. But the Talibs have built their state proceeding from the Shaariah directions, not "international law" and it also didn't stand under pressure of Anglo-American invasion?

S. M. Yes, it's the fact. Though actions of Talibs impress in many things, but, having established Islamic governing on the under controlled territory, they couldn't overcome one of the psychological barriers, dictated for Muslims. Talibs have observed the frontiers drawn for Afghanistan i. e. made Jihad within the territory which is painted by "world order".

Democratic aggressors have seized the opportunity, quickly creating bases on the contiguous territories they invaded the country. Although Shaariah directed to make a warning blow and occupy the territory which could become the place of arms for the attack to the Islamic country. When kafirs strongly prepare aggression against the Muslims, position "we don't touch you, you leave us in peace" is extremely mistaken and insolvent.

V. H. Really, the Muslims don't appreciate reality to the end and search freedom within the borders, sometimes painted by the colonizers while retreat. I don't think that Talibs were in error on that score and that their mistake is connected with respectful attitude to the "world association". Rather it was tactics, attached to the planned stage of Jihad.

S. M. Yes, most likely it's so, but it doesn't give easing.

First, the planned stage, easily guessed and understood to the enemy, is already a mistake. That's why Western Alliance didn't wait next stage and invaded Afghanistan.

Second, modern satanysts, dictating world politics , demonstrate that the observance of all these borders, paper sovereignty and notorious rights is written not for them. All the world sees what gets up Anglo-American coalition in Iraq, Afghanistan and Zionists in Lebanon and Palestine. In these conditions the observance of the rules you may estimate like display of weakness.

Even more, there can't be nothing stupid than the observance of some rules with the opponent which doesn't restrict himself to any rules and laws. And just this enemy withstands us.

Already three keepers of "human rights"-USA, France, Great Britain have declared that they have the right to strike a preventive nuclear blow on 'terrorists bases". Against this background Russian warriors, also promising every blows on "terrorists bases" outside the Russia, but excepted nuclear blow, look out simply pacifists.

V. H. How to be in this case? What can oppose to this the Muslims?

S. M. Common Muslims it may dispirit, but Mujahideen perceive these loud statements as the confusion and panic reaction of world kufr. Neither side in the modern global opposition has an overwhelming advantage.

As far Dzhokhar Dudayev has paid attention that the countries owning weapons of mass annihilation are simultaneously the hostages of this weapon. And, considering that in the up-to-date war between Islam and world satanysm the front and the rear don't have clear outlines, it's not difficult to make return blow . Good, there's no need to look longer for the Muslims ready to become Shaheeds. As noticed in his time Shamil Abu-Idris (Shaheed inshAllah) modern technologies allow one person strike the scale damage for economics, industry, infrastructure of the country-aggressor.

V. H. Against background all the said, plan to become "subject of international law" looks, saying the least of it, short-sighted. It's like to do sap with the aim to get from the cramped cell in more spacious one. But, nevertheless, such moods yet keep in certain part of the Chechen society.

S. M. You probably mean those Chechens who have promised to come in Chechnya and introduce proper order, "when guns cease". Yes, it's the part of our society, too. You can't sing a song without words. Fortunately, not these Chechens, but the Mujahideen determine today the strategy and the politics.

You shouldn't forget that" when guns cease", they will fill active space and will make us worry needlessly again, adding disturbance and discord. If we don't take the experience of the past, it's inevitable. And while they hold up in political phraseology of the beginning 90-ies. Somebody successfully called them "thickened in the time". Till now they turn the old plate that "there's no alternative for political dialogue", "there's no military decision of the problem", "negotiate at table" and so on. From which "Hadith" they take it, leaves unclear.

V. H. In general, it's interesting definition-"thickened in the time". It reflects quite exactly the state of some people. Though 15 years passed, the mind of many participants and witnesses of this war has changed as if the whole epoch passed. These ones again talk about "peaceful initiatives" and "world association".

S. M. Yeah, such people are disposed to speak and discuss about that historical piece on whom they fell asleep. There are even cases which make doubt about the responsibility of "thickened". For example, representatives of Zavgayev's clan may sound only two themes. They report with fiscal enthusiasm about crops, winter crops , corn-bins and mechanization experts. . . or with twisted mouth denounce Dudayev. And no world cataclysms can't fill up their repertoire.

V. H. Returning to the war theme in Lebanon. There's, for example, such interpretation:

"Events of the last years show that the strategists of two most efficient armies, Israeli and American, didn't guess the main size of future wars. It's partisan war."

S. M. It's impossible to comment Western and Russian mass -media instantly. You need earlier separate false filling which is always present even in the short and impartial phrase.

V. H. And such are all publications without exception?

S. M. No, there are exceptions. For instance, on some Russian patriotic sites one can find quite objective analysis of world events. Here you can argue about conceptual approach, and there's no premeditated lie. But by well-known information resources are going the same propagandistic cliché.  

To the propagandistic theme concerns the fighting ability of the American army. The fighting ability is measured not in number of deep bombs, aircraft carriers and tanks, stuffed by electronics, but in the strength of mind presence by the fighting side.

Five thousands deserted American soldiers from Iraq are speaking for themselves. Concerning the Jews, in Koran is noted their excessive avidity for the life. This dominant is hard to connect with the fighting ability. Whatever invent the Jews to deceive the death, even have invented a tommy-gun whose muzzle you can bend so that you shoot from the corner.

On the occasion "not guessed" guerilla war, in which the regular army becomes more vulnerable, it's the part of the truth. But it's an attempt to turn failures in Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon into tactic characteristics of the opposition.

Partisan war tactics has its advantages in the struggle with the invaders, but it's not essential. The heart of the today's wars in the ideological opposition motive where the advantage of Mujahideen is present. Neither military equipment nor number of troops, nor false propaganda can't compensate to the Anglo-American and Israeli invaders total absence of moral imperative in the aggression motive.

V. H. Last military shady enterprise in Lebanon the Jews by themselves forced interpreted as defeat of Israel and fortifying positions of the Hezbollah. We have talked about panic and pessimism in the Zionists' camp. What are the consequences of this conflict? What prognosis can you make?

S. M. Prognosis leave for Moscow charlatans from the "research institutes". The consequences knows one God. We must show out the tendencies. They are so.

The state institute in that atheistic version which is now pressed can't protect the Muslim nations from aggression and genocide on the part of the large states. One can understand defeat from the Great Powers, but the State Lebanon isn't able to oppose even such pygmy as Israel only because the last has a number of weapons.

Lebanon forces for 30 years couldn't decide to come to its southern borders, though it is obliged to protect them. Southern Lebanon was liberated from the Jewish occupation by the Hezbollah, i. e. the organization which has nothing to do with the state. And now thanks to the actions of the Hezbollah not only Israeli aggression has swallowed, but became empty all the North of Israel.

Naturally, international political mafia and zionists are suited by such state model and such army. Kofi Annan, having arrived in Lebanon, insist recommends the Lebanese "to have only one army". That is the army whose generals drink tea with Israeli invaders.

V. H. Yes, not in vain UNO is begun to translate as "organization of the violence excuse" Besides Lebanon there are many obvious examples of the state institute insolvency in its present look. Accordingly the Muslims will create another system of state organization in order to protect themselves and their religion.

S. M. If only it would thought to the end! Instead of developing success on the path it was achieved, the Hezbollah resorts to the methods of democratic populism and gives money to the population. That's besides military authority they want to become the influential political strength in the State of Lebanon.

It suites the Zionists and their fellows. On one of the Jewish resources is written:

"The observers don't except that on the following Brussels meeting of the heads of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the EU will be declared the necessity of "the polarization" of grouping "Hezbollah" and its top possible integration in the Lebanon political life with the purpose of the disarmament of fighters' detachments".

I think, no comment.

V. H. Yes, here's all maximum clear. Just involving in such political games, the Muslims loose all that advantage which was achieved at the cost of much blood in the battle. As far as I remember, you once said that we, the Muslims, can't use properly peaceful time-out.

S. M. Exactly, it's possible only peaceful time-out. And we, when just guns cease, on the spot cheerfully dispose to peaceful epoch, with trade and economical prosperity.

V. H. By the way, these statements provoke the indignation of our Chechen intellectuals, the same which have promised to return "when guns cease". They have even invented for us a name with the implication: "martial".

S. M. I don't know, I never heard about these implications. But I've met such category of people. They can't be called intellectuals, though they may have a ready tongue. Because of the fear "of guns" they aren't always aware of what they say.

In general, fear is one of the Allah's trials. Khattab (shaheed inshaAllah), whose courage even enemies didn't doubt, talking with young Mujahideen has explained that fear is natural feeling which can inculcate the soul of anybody. The main thing not to give way to it.

This war is rich in the examples when simple people, far from the bellicosity, among which many women, suppressing their fear helped the Mujahideen, saved the wounded. They have risked not only their lives, but their families.

Among my friends and relatives there are such which are afraid of war, panicle afraid of firings and bombings, and for all this don't hide that feel afraid. This neutrality of their nature doesn't allow the soul to blame for the weakness. From my experience I know that in difficult moment such man throws away fear and risking his life helps the Mujahideen.

The cases of the confusion and panic weren't rare in the first war. The war then was a new occurrence for our generation. I was against blaming it loudly. In time the war has tempered the Mujahideen. And many of those who has once showed weakness, became the experienced, fearless commanders. Some of them consciously have chosen certain death and have become the Shaheeds, inshaAllah!

But I never understood the people which in order to hide their fear of "thunder guns", appear as "the experts of peaceful building".

V. H. You see, they don't take care of themselves. They worry for "nation", "genofond", "ethnos", so to say. Hence the unperception of "bellicosity" and accordingly the searches of "political regulation" and "peaceful dialogue of civilizations".

S. M. Yes, certainly, intentions are good. But, it's a pity, exact fear makes many to turn away from the reality and dream about "peace and prosperity without wars and violence".

Unclear, on the ground of which laws, which facts they base their blissful fantasies. Today famous world villains also talk about peace and progress, at the same time begin the bloody wars.

When was the period without wars and bloodshed in the history of mankind? There are no such examples. Even the heathens of the Ancient Rome understood an important truth - you can't avoid war! And if you can't avoid, so they began the war there and when it was profitable to them. At all the times the worst situations have arisen when they listened to "peaceful" dreamers.

But we talk not about kafirs of the anciety and the contemporaneity. We talk about our figures, which are considered to be the Muslims. And if the Muslims, so the source of reliable knowledge must be Koran and Sunna for them. They must lean in their statements on the Shariah, not on the slogans of the right fighters or the laying-outs of Carnegie institute.

In Koran is said clearly that "They (unfaithful) will not stop fighting with you till avert you from your religion".

It is said: "You are directed to fight with the enemies of Islam, and it's hateful for you".

It is said: "Fight with them till the disbelief disappear and affirms the faith in Allah".

They have also read and have heard many times these ayats. But their fear makes them become embittered on those who cite these clear tenets of Koran.

V. H. Well, leave in peace "the experts of peaceful building" and pass to more important question. How do consider today the experience of the past and the present Muslim struggle the Mujahideen of the Caucasus?

S. M. Just year ago sheikh Abdul-Halim (shaheed inshaAllah) set a task to the group of our alims to work out a strategical conception of Jihad under the Caucasus conditions. Just considering the experience of different Muslim countries, considering historical experience of the Gazavat in the Caucasus, considering modern situation in the world and considering another factors. Practically, this work is finished and in next time must be proposed for the discussion by Madjlisul-Shura.

V. H. And how are the main theses of this conception? In brief.

S. M. Neither brief nor long I'm not authorized to talk about it. But I note one very pleasant change . With satisfaction I mark that the relay-race of Jihad in the Caucasus was taken by the new generation of the Islamic youth. What is especially pleasant to note, for them various discussions which we carry on with our national-democrats, with "the experts of peaceful building" is an incomprehensible waste of time. They are completely devoided of the jahiliyatic complexes. Their arguments are full of sense and content because they lean on Koran and Sunna. It's a great pleasure to read their articles and letters. Here, for example, how write our brothers from Dagestan Jamaat "Shariah".

"Kafir may be weak, but the Muslims may not to gain the victory. Kafir may be strong, but the Muslims may rout and abase him. It's not a matter of kafirs, the matter in us, the Muslims. In our akida, in our actions, in our patience on the Allah's road, in our sincere subordination to the Most High".

V. H. Yes, I think , it's the essence of the Islamic strategy and there's nothing to add.

S. M. Exactly, nothing to add besides ALLAH AKBAR!


Thank you, Saad, for our talk. See you soon if Allah wish it.

Kavkaz Center

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