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Chechens - terrorists, Ukrainians - thieves

posted by zaina19 on January, 2006 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 1/12/2006 2:47 AM
January, 12, 2006

Chechens - terrorists, Ukrainians - thieves

Nadejda Banchik, USA, for CHECHENPRESS, 12.01.06


 The criminal Russian mode step by step moves to the overall objectives for the sake of which it has seized the power after the country at the end of 80 - the beginning of 90 made some steps to the greater economic efficiency, political expediency, and the main thing, moral, moral clarification from nasty totalitarian - repressive authority. These purposes: impetuous operation of riches of the country for own enrichment of ruling circles; full legal "nontangency"; revenge to "the West" for "the disintegration of USSR". For achievement of these purposes it is created the new ideology, at basis of which - the deeply concealed parody to ideology and civilization of the West.. All proclaimed in the West values in the "performance" of Russian State Security Agents with the authority appear inverted inside out. So from the reflection of the Western ideology in the Russian curved mirror was born present not formulated, but formed, ideology of "new" national Russian idea. This is - the motley mixture of the inverted inside out and arbitrarily mixed scraps and splinters of past ideologies and values, in the spirit of fashionable "postmodernism" - the market, where it is possible to sell and to purchase practically everything, on the similar price, measured, as it is assumed on the market, by money - by sole and united standard, which survived after caving of the double-pole system of peace. Thus, western individualism and moral tolerance ("to understand - to forgive", "no one is perfect") is converted in Russia into the nihilism ("pofigizm"), which frees imperious circles and subject to them population not only from the moral law court, but also from the need for worry about the subject people even in those close limits, which was in the Soviet time. Western mass- culture, itself pert and shameless, destroying holiness of intimacy, secrecy, love finally in the Russian performance reaches the maximum cynicism, personified in the majority of the phenomena of contemporary stage and industry of leisure, with this demonstrative riot against holiness that appears the suspicion about the special, deliberate sense of this anti-culture - caricature to the West, with its freedom of dispositions. The external attributes of western democracy - parliament, law court, elections - in Russia are converted into the caricature, filled with one sense: to show the "idleness" of these mechanisms, to demonstrate the unlimited possibilities of manipulation by them. In this case, of course, "are forgotten" main conditions, thus far the still distinguishing western selections, parliament and, especially, the law court: clear rules and the laws, which decrease the possibility of corruption and manipulation. "post modernizing" and reversing western values, "new Russians" rejected the traditional for the high culture values, which were being proclaimed even official Soviet propaganda and agitation section, especially - in the after-Stalin epoch. Only with this condition it began possible "to sell" on the present Russian "market" the splinters of the open Nazism and Stalinism, after filling up by them those, who, because of the created international position, proved to be in the crack between the global tectonic breakings: the peoples of the Caucasus. This market would be considerably more successfully, if action occurred in the epoch of the Iron Curtain and information ghetto. But today entire peace is blown through right through, and the main thing, Russia they hurried to enroll into the club of those chosen, i.e. to recognize as their. Then, in 1996, they selected on the second period of Yeltsin, troops from Chechnya were derived, yet they did not suffocate the freedom of word, i.e., hope still remained, that the country, after obtaining by advance place in the club, will work out by its fact that it will move along the way of the democratic reforms. But it was soon explained what do the added in Russia ruling layer of intention has entirely different: after entering the club, to use it for the realization of its purposes (see above). It means, to pull down the base principles, on which this club was created, or, at least, to first attain the agreement of its remaining seven terms with all acts of the eighth term. But as it is possible to attain their agreement to the acts, which according to all standards - are criminal? Russian criminal elites ("business", serviceman reconnaissance) found the methods: the massive lie with accusatory bias and elements of blackmail. Nothing the fundamentally "new Russians" invented, simply the same methods, that for a period of 50 years, after the second world, they held the Soviet regime in self-sufficiency and contradicted against his opposing side - the "West", only to a certain extent penetrating in the form of communist parties and secret service agency KGB, now "they are coordinated" with Big Seven. THE USSR fought, for example, with the cams - whereas remaining peace, on the contrary, strengthened private property and personal enterprise. THE USSR carried out anti-Jewish campaigns when in Europe the campaign of denazification and acknowledgement of fault for the Holocaust of Jews already began and swiftly was developed. In other words, Soviet lie was constructed "from the contrary" of west. Present Russian regime, on the contrary, brings its lie under the certain "international" problem. You are perturbed by the "Islamic terrorism" of Arabs? We - also, here, we have terrorists, give, you us will help, we - to you... If this coincided with the reality, then both sides - Russia the West - would be sincere to the end not only in the words, but also in the actions. I.e., they would listen to each other and would agree on military, political and economic actions in the actually equal collaboration. But into the century of the global information of openness you will conceal nothing, and both sides entered game, knowing from the very beginning, that they deceive by cunning. Russian side knows that whose hands are not terrorists, but the West is wonderfully informed, created the Chechens "Islamic" terrorism in Afghanistan and Arab peace, in Iraq, Libya, Syria, for example. From this game the West awaited only one: after returning Chechnya of Russia to torment, they thought that the Russian Mafia by this will be satisfied. And they wrote down war in Chechnya as "internal conflict in the Russian Federation", after bringing thus Chechen people to the immolation. Meanwhile it is not necessary too deeply to dig in order to understand: to be satisfied by Chechnya the Russian Mafia there is no sense, since not about the "territorial integrity" it was baked, but about the creation of the zone, wherever it could "freely" (out of the control) be occupied by its mafia matters. If with respect to Chechnya the discussion dealt only with the "territorial integrity", then itself posing of the question was incorrect, since there are internationally acknowledged lawful instruments, which testify that the Chechen republic in its present form did not enter into the Russian Federation originally, "after being separated" not from RSFSR, but from THE USSR, simultaneously the 15th by union republics, with good to that reason. Sovereignty of CHR (more precise, then still - Chechen-Ingush republic) is proclaimed even not Dudayev, but... party boss zavgay into 1990, when it was the chairman of the Supreme Soviet CHIR. The constitution of the Chechen republic, accepted in 1992, proclaims the Chechen republic (Ichkeria) secular democratic and rule-of-law state and is laid the durable lawful basis of this state. Finally, in 1993 CHR it did not sign federative agreement RF, thus after excluding the possibility there to enter. It means, Russia spontaneously took CHR already when it was actually independent state. In this case Chechen policy rested on the law, accepted even in USSR - on 26 April 1990, by which all national formations in the territory of  USSR were declared by sovereign republics. (this law was accepted in connection with the new project of USSR, which it was intended to realize on 20 August 1991 new union agreement in newly -Ogarevo. How this ended, probably they remember everything - putsch 19 - on 21 August, that placed historical point not only on the project, but also in the USSR itself). Thus, Chechen people had not less and is not more rights to the construction of statehood, than Ukrainian, Estonian, yes even Russian also. And Chechnya not "was separated from Russia", and originally into it did not enter, it built the bases of state as all the remaining union republics. But even if we assume that with respect to Chechnya (as other Autonomous Republics) Russian authorities were guided by the old Soviet constitution, on which the "Autonomous Republic" did not have a right "to be separated", nevertheless, it is evident according to many signs that not the "territorial integrity" of Russia was the major factor, which impelled Russian mafia forces to twice destroy Chechnya and to just as pitilessly and uncompromisingly destroy Chechen people, but entire the same triune purpose (see in the beginning of article). To me it is seemed that Chechens - not suicide, and, if Russian authorities to them would propose the more or less worthy conditions of entry in RF, they would find a political compromise of entry. The legitimately chosen Presidents CHR d. Dudaev and A. Maskhadov proposed to Russia many compromises, up to the general defense and monetary space! With one only main condition: the international guarantees of protection from genocide - after genocide, experienced in Stalin's times. But also, apparently, in earnest was examined the project of the "Caucasian common market", with the joint mastery of the natural resources of region with the aid of the western investments or, possibly, concessions. (You be regime in Russia normal, perhaps it were straightened it is so furiously with this project, even without having examined its benefit?!). It seems, to western association it was understandable into our information century that in the Mafia was originally the plans make Chechnya its zone. But perhaps not about this by cry did shout the acknowledged as the same West Chechen leaders, the most honest Russian journalists and human rights activists (Anna Politkovskaya, "memorial" and others) and their, western journalists human rights activists? It could not have the western politicians and the doubts about that, for which of Russia Chechnya was necessary. Each step of the Russian ruling Mafia in Chechnya revealed this triune purpose brighter and it is more symbolic than in other questions. Creation in Chechnya of the system of legal slave trade by living and those killed; the black market for oil, weapon and narcotics trafficking; "black holes", where flow away billion, released to Russian government all by the same West to the "restoration of Chechnya". Thus, with the first purpose everything is clear: the unrestrained enrichment of all Mafia immediately, out of the control and the laws. Not is less clear the second purpose - guarantee of "nontangency" of the Mafia. All, who penetrates this "zone" although to the millimeter of further that permitted, immediately are removed, from the Russian journalists, the politicians, the human rights activists to the foreign humanitarian workers (to recall, at least, violence above the English mission of the Red Cross in new Atagakh into 1996; above the group of English engineers, who created satellite telephone communication into 1998 in Chechnya; "theft" and the expulsion of the colleague of "doctors without borders" Kenneth Glak into 2001, murder of the floor of Khlebnikov, i. Vol. d.). Now, similarly, already no one dares to thrust nose into this zone, Chechnya is actually closed - this was well to try in the epoch of the universal information of openness! Judging according to the eyewitnesses, this is - the sole zone of this type in entire peace! French woman journalist Ann Niva penetrated Chechnya many times, the last time - into 2004, secretly, with the aid of its Chechen friends. Then it visited that occupied by Americans Iraq. When they asked it at the press conference in Boston, is differed situation in Iraq from Chechen, it answered as follows: "in Iraq, in contrast to Chechnya, journalist can almost freely walk wherever he will consider it necessary; to gather any materials. In Chechnya everything is closed ". I think, to french woman journalist there are no reasons to exaggerate the openness of American occupational forces; by it, most likely, it is possible to believe. Thus, if it is not possible into our century to overlap information about proceeding in Chechnya (but proceeding - unambiguously it falls under the article "genocide" of international law!), it is possible to blackmail the West, to give to understand that to thrust its nose "to you it is worse. And better do not attempt us to summon ". In this aspect, the second task is clamped with the third - revenge to the West. "You us do teach to your democracy and humanism? You look, that we with them made, you not piknete!" Moreover, scoffing parody to the western standards and the values is examined in each detail of Chechen war. From the large - parodies to the referendum, the selections, already to say nothing of the rights of man, to finest detail. Thus, one Chechen, from the former prisoners of Russian filtrational camp said, that he once required attorney. To it they gave - very strong dog on the nickname attorney. Another prisoner with the horror told about the torture "Chechen round table": they plant prisoners around the table and... after making it necessary to put out languages, they nail them to the table. But perhaps not mockery above the western "lessons" - demonstrative murder, in response to the persistent calls to the negotiations, the lawfully chosen and acknowledged Presidents CHR of Dudaev and, especially, Maskhadov with the refusal even to give out body to relatives? And is it possible to estimate differently from scoffing parody, against the background of the persistently repeated reports about the "normalization in Chechnya" this characteristic, given by one Chechenkoy, that supporting not one of the belligerents? "in the daytime, like, gradually revives life, everywhere people deals on bazar, indeed it is necessary somehow to survive, but work there is none. But as soon as it gets dark, all are locked to all possible locks and shake: whose turn to be stolen, to whom they will break among the night, whom they will kill? It passes not day without the excesses. They procreated so many structures, forces, which compete with each other of bands, for the most part of covered by the Kremlin or of those acting it is absolutely uncontrolled, that no one at this chaos not to be dismantled. The relatives of those kidnapped are “played football” from one structure to another, from another to the third - and so forth then find the disfigured bodies. If it is possible to redeem that stolen in the half-dead state - this is enormous happiness. Exactly on the eve of my departure, it became witness: young girl, nurse of local polyclinic, is shrewd in the morning to the work, in the evening she did not return... They the next morning found its mutilated body... And so - each day, endlessly "... But the most terrible parody - "bloody slander" to the Chechen people: the countless statements of Russian authorities, for each occasion and without, that "in Chechnya Russia fights with the international terrorism". It is not so naive the policy of the West in order in earnest to believe in this myth. About the fact that they did not believe, they speak at least the facts of adoption of tens of thousands of Chechen refugees and the refusal of British law court to give out A. Zakaev - in spite of rabid strong pressure of Russia. But if all central objectives of Russian regime in Chechnya were clear, the essence of war - also how explain the almost open support by the West of the criminal policy of Russia? If fact that, after throwing out to the Russian mafia the bone in the form of Chechnya (and even partially repeating its "arguments" about the "Chechen Islamic terrorism"!), The West hoped that the Mafia will limit to this tip, then is now evident that it was counted. It is amazing, as it was possible to assume, as if this regime, based on the mutual responsibility, will be satisfied by one Chechnya. Indeed the post-Soviet Mafia occurs from the Soviet, former united, structures - it is understandable that it handles on entire post-Soviet space and even in those regions of the peace, where their predecessors acted in the Soviet time. And if in this mutual responsibility breaks through at least one breach, entire Mafia occurs under the threat. It means, if the Ukraine opened small breach in this mutual responsibility, after leading to the authority not mafia government, one should expect that the Mafia then simply will not be returned. Perhaps not there was this to evidently the same West, which so "orange revolution" into 2004? Perhaps not it was understandable that in the Ukraine the majority of large mafic crimes, especially - connected from the dishonest "prikhvatizatsiya" of Ukrainian enterprises and land sections, were perfected by the persons, connected with the Mafia, whose roots do depart to the present Russian regime, but feeler they do stretch far beyond the limits of the Ukraine? Why all this does become revelation only now, when the Russian Mafia, completely perturbed by the readiness of Ukrainian authorities not to ponaroshk, but be pulled out to in earnest from its embraces, it did switch over to the "Cold War", which the Ukrainians did baptize by "holy war against infidels"? Indeed in this "holy war against infidels" - still the same purposes and the methods, worked out on the destruction of Chechnya! The retention of the unrestrained enrichment of the Mafia - for this was started prikhvatizatsiya of Ukrainian property. "Parody- revenge to the West" - in each, action, and the action of yanukovich and its command. Thus, it demagogically, being not without reasons that suspected of the crimes (at least in the falsification of process and results of elections!), it shouts about the "political pursuits for inakomysliye" - wonderful understanding that already now there are no pursuits in the Ukraine... Always charges the West with the "interference in the Ukrainian matters", not is only demonstratively "without noting" the interference of Russia, but also in every way possible calling into the "united Eurasian economic space" (it is possible to think that, as soon as the Ukraine into it it will enter, the price of Russian gas on the European market so immediately will fall, and the Ukraine it will buy gas on the same price, as Belorussia!). But the central objective of Russian "holy war against infidels" to the Ukraine - precisely "nontangency". Downright got a fright the Mafia from the successes of "orange"! Here is "heavy artillery" to the Slav sister: thus far yet not "international terrorists", but already "pilferers": it is said, holes in the conduit pierce and illegally appropriate the gas, intended for Europe. But as to otherwise "convince" Europe (West) of the "validity" of overlap to the Ukraine gas? Only by method, worked out in Chechnya, from the sick head to the healthy! The more aggressive the lie, those more probable, that they will be calculated with it. Although, possibly, they will not believe, but label on the Ukrainian people will hang. In this situation it is painful for the Ukrainian government: they prove, what they "not pilferers" - instead of in the Stockholm law court requiring from Russia the proofs of charges. Is too terrible the price of the defeat of the Ukraine in the "gas war" - the delay of the development of the independence of the Ukraine for long years and, moreover, the yoke of mafic Russian forces on the neck of Europe. Not to mention strengthening of the most criminal forces, which left the”empire of evil” on entire post-Soviet space? However, having edited on site, it came to the conclusion: not all so is dark in the Ukraine. Calls to the boycott of Russian goods has already been heard! Long ago so, even since the beginning of genocide of Chechen people, six years ago! Maybe, then everything would go differently. But now it is not yet late! People! You will support the boycott of Russian goods, declared by Ukrainians! Only you will join k "remember about the gas" - still "remember about Chechnya - it exists!". It is similar, the West still hopes that, gratifying the mafia forces of Russia newer and newer concessions, it will tame them. It is terrible to see the end of European democracy... It seems, it is already visible - in the powerlessly starving (in the hunger strike of protest) in Strasbourg Chechen human rights activist To Said-Emin Ibragimov, which decided to exhaust itself by hunger in order to clearly demonstrate the price of the treachery of democracy by the former European Democrats.

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