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Nadejda Banchik: "Chechen Resistance resists Kremlin mafia"

posted by zaina19 on November, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

rom: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 11/10/2005 4:41 PM
November, 9, 2005

Nadejda Banchik: "Chechen Resistance resists Kremlin mafia"

Dear sirs, everyone to whom letter - entreaty of Chechen rights protector Said-Emin Ibragimov will geta and my letter with which I want to answer him. I am a simple ex-Soviet citizen, never held any imperous posts, lived in Ukraine and became the witness of the historical changes begun in 1988 under management of M.S.Gorbachev and under ideological leadership of great A.D.Saharov, his true fellow-fighter E.G.Bonner and their rather numerous adherents. I saw with my own eyes, that grandiose reorganization of "Evil empire" (the USSR - by your definition!) it was made in hope, that the western democratic politics will help this "empire" to become the state of freedom, democracy, respect for the person and economic - social prosperity.

Instead of iridescent prospects we became witnesses of secretly provoked by KGB pogroms (Armenians in Azerbaijan, ethnic Russians in Pridnestrovskarea of Moldova), unobstructed intrusions of the Soviet army into Tbilisi (April 1989), Baku (January 1990), Vilnius (January 1991). And you not only have not interfered, but at your numerous meetings with "father of rebuilding" M.S.Gorbachev have not mentioned a word about necessity of suppression of these pogroms and court above their instigators.

Provocations of interethnic conflicts became the powerful catalyst of disintegration of the USSR. But also hopes for democratic transformations of the Russian Federation could not come true. Instead of beginning the normal European state, it in 1994 has untied war with tiny, defenceless before such monster, Chechen people to drown in their blood uncountable evil deeds of those forces which you made the skeleton of "Evil Empire" and on struggle against which, mister Western politics, have spent half-centuries and improbable resources.

Be be deceived, sirs! These forces not only have survived, they have incredibly become stronger during so-called "change from socialism to capitalism" which, as a matter of fact, became the unprecedented robbery of all Soviet peoples, including Russians, and a regrouping of former Soviet retaliatory and military - militaristic structures, first of all KGB, in the mafia gangs which have taken terrorism on the arms against everyone who will rise for their way. Not amuse yourselfs with illusions: these gangs have the international scope, they cover drug dealers in Afghanistan, sect "Aum Sinrike" in Japan, traffic of arms in the black markets etc.

If you want to know, in what Russia has turned, read the detailed monography of the American journalist, former correspondent of New York Times in Moscow with 1992 on 2002: David Satter. Darkness At Dawn: The Rise of the Russian Criminal State. It is only one research from the big number of the similar works unambiguously showing: the today's Russian state - mafia in the basis. And this mafia has aimed to transform into the criminal-mafia zone former Soviet Checheno-Ingushetiya. At any cost. More precisely - by a genocide of Chechen people as undesirable witness of its, mafia, activity.

Not amuse yourselfs with self-deception: those who are at a rudder of today's Russia, will not calm down and will not stop the mafia activity because differently to live they simply can not and are not able. On the contrary, the more them create opportunities for the mafia growth and strengthening, the more they use these opportunities, grow and become impudent. And, having swallowed the Chechen Republic, they will go further, further, further, until will not reach us. Do not think, that something will stop them. Now they are more impudent, than were their Soviet predecessors whom you though somehow constrained. Those even minimally cared of people. These do not care of anybody. Beslan tragedy when more than 1200 persons burned with napalm, has shown, that nothing an stop this mafia. And Russian people for them are just a dust on the wind.

I do not write you about the Chechen Republic because you for a long time have written her off alive. You for a long time have reconciled to the fact, that the mafia will destroy Chechen people completely, for you there are no Chechens as people, because 1 million persons (an aggregate number of Chechens in the world up to last genocide) - it is less, than the one tenth of Moscow population. I remind you of the Russia which turned into the mafia state and has made the Chechen Republic its centre. The centre where not only do not struggle with terrorism but where the terrorism purposefully raises. Not "Islam terrorism" the mafia terrorism connected to the Russian militarism and "chekizm". Ask what this means "the hawks of cold war" of previous generation.

I support Chechens because by nationality I am a jew and I know, in what your a policy resulted dear sirs, in tragical XX century. In 1915 your predecessors have not protected Armenians of Ottoman empire from the fanatic murder made at partnership of military forces of kaizer Germany. Subsequently this "experience" of massacre of peaceful people hitlerites have applied at the Holocaust of Jews. In 1933 your predecessors have recognized the USSR and have accepted it in League of the Nations. That year more than 7 million inhabitants of Ukraine, basically of peasants, died from organized by Stalin artificial famine! And subsequently the world has received Stalins Big Terror and a hitlerite Third Reich. In 1938 your predecessors have betraid in hands of Hitler the Czechoslovakia. In 1939 indifferently beheld a partition of Poland between Hitler and Stalin. Within Second world war your predecessors have closed doors before Jews doomed for destruction and did not interfere with realization of devilish plan of Hitler.

At last, after the Second world war, terrified by fall of all mankind, the western politics have slightly changed. It seemed, by the end of century the Reason, Freedom, Respect for the Person will win... With your help, at means of the Nuremberg International tribunal, Germany - and all mankind! - it was released from a monstrous hitlerite ideological plague. But you have never raised the question about the International court above not less criminal ideologies of communism. You have once and for all condemned gestapo, national-socialist party in all other retaliatory structures of the Third Reich.

But you never put a question on the International tribunal on investigation of activity of CHK - NKVD - KGB - FSB. And you see, their international-terrorist activity is not less than hitlerite! Because of absence of objective court above these organizations even some respectable scientists of the West try to justify Stalin's criminal activity. I do not speak about the Russia where there is one step before full rehabilitation NKVD - KGB. I do not speak about their successors unpunishedly commiting excesses gaining strength not only in the Chechen Republic, but using it as jumping-off place and range. Why you, century after, come back in that condition in what stayed during the first world war when have not payed attention turned to desperate SOS of killed Armenians? Why you again allow to be made genocide and mafia wars? And - in the second on capacity tof the nuclear state of the world?! You think, having sacrificed Chechen people you will protect own well-being? Study the experience of the predecessors more closely!

I ask you together with Chechen people killed before your eyes: stop Evil! Arrange to stop a genocide of Chechen people! I do not appeal your conscience because you show, that you no moer have it. I appeal your - our! - instinct of self-preservation, to our prudence: Evil should be stopped.

Dear sirs! I address to you, because I am a Jew, and my 14 relatives forever rest in Vinnitsa area, in Ukraine, during the Holocaust. You realize, what associations arise in my soul at acquaintance to evil deeds above Chechen people. I am immensly grateful to you, that you have found in yourselves courage to get rid from all-european hitlerite plague, to bring to my people frank repentance. I am grateful to you for support of us in disorder of Soviet "Evil empre". But I call you to understand: it was not disorganized! Has passed only the first stage, but the main thing angrily has escaped and has regenerated.

And consequently with all my soul I ask you: do not incur a sin of involuntary partnership in a genocide of other people! Familiarize with position in the Chechen Republic by stories of the numerous refugees who have survived all this hell. You are their last hope.

Each Chechen in the Chechen Republic is threatened with death irrespective of, was he at war or not, or on whose side he was. But witnesses of the Russian crimes are especially ruthlessly pursued.

Having done in the Chechen Republic improbable evil deeds, the Russian gangs now hasten to dig traces and to kill as much as possible potential prosecutors and witnesses. And they, witnesses, have a lot of information. Here is one of evidences.

In the Soviet years near Batum was settled down the most confidential military base with rocket installations . Even before military actions the commission with participation of conducting military experts of Europe has elicited the proved facts of storage there of the radioactive substances forbidden by the international conventions. If would have taken Batum, not only the Chechen Republic, but also all Caucasus might turn to Hiroshima. But Batum battalion, sustaining huge losses of civil guardsmen, being in an environment, having sustained not less than 300 attempts of a capture of fortification by storm) Raisa Talhanova, Chechen journalist, whose documentary film about the war in Chechen Republic «Inside Chechnya» has received Emi-2000.

The Chechen Resistance is an unique force due to which we yet did not become victims of this ruthless mafia. And, perhaps, appreciably due to the Chechen Resistance - both a handful fair of rights protectors and politicians of the western democratic countries - Russia was not yet overtaken with a gloom of 1937. But you have written off this Resistance alive, with yours rights protectors are considered - ever less and all indulge a ruthless Russian mafia more. You give in on gradual decomposition of you by it - from within, by the bald lie about ostensibly "islamic terrorism" in the Chechen Republic where the role of "terrorists" is attributed to Resistance, and actually - to all Chechen people.

Do not plead that this people are "separatists". They are no more "separatists", than 15 former union republics proclaimed by the states, and you have unconditionally recognized their right on such. Why refuse in this right to the Chechen people?

The Chechen Republic did not participate in formation of the Russian Federation after 1991, has not signed the new Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal contract. So, it is asked, about what "separatists" you talk if independence was proclaimed according to a legal situation of that time? And why the Chechen Republic, her people, should pay for the fact that proclaimed independence "is not recognized" by Russia and world leaders? May, on the contrary, non-recognition of declaration of independence in this case has made possible a genocide?

But you write off alive not only Resistance - all Chechen people. And together with him - all Caucasus. And people of Russia exhausted under this mafia. And us, inhabitants of the safe West, have deprived with tomorrow's prospects.

If an event in the Chechen Republic is not a genocide, then what to name this term? I ask you: if the happiness unattainable for the Chechen slightly depends on you though - to live, study, work, - recollect, what asks you about it the representative of people which in the centre of humane and cultural Europe, only less than centuries back, in a blind hitlerite eclipse have reduced on 2/3, having sent a black dust of six millions souls. Do not add the indifference or misunderstanding to this terrible number still human souls. Therefore I finish the message to you with words of the chairman of Committee on foreign communications of Parliament of CHRI Ah'jad Idigov:

"Independence for Chechen people is not an end in itself, but other (best) way for the decision of the problem of safety of people in the world does not exist".

With respect and great hope,

Nadejda Banchik, independent journalist, USA

Chechenpress, the Department of letters, 09.11.05.

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