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In a waterway with a shark

posted by zaina19 on June, 2005 as ANALYSIS / OPINION

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng  (Original Message)    Sent: 6/17/2005 4:47 AM
June, 17, 2005

In a waterway with a shark

Dear Mr. Mihas.

I always read the Chechenpress, "Caucasus-center" and other independent sites. I know you by publications in the "Caucasus-center".

It is like a balm on my soul to read normal, human opinion on this theme. I cannot understand in any way, why our "Soviet" people have such fascist concepts. I speak about our good people, including the majority of my friends and relatives.

What people speak is awful, so shamelessly they lie, denying crimes of their authority, or justifying it, when it is already impossible to deny. Because of that I was compelled to stop contacts to many of them. It is heavy. But it is impossible to continue to communicate indifferently. To pretend, as if nothing special happens. It is inadmissible to listen to disgusting lie, misanthropic statements.

Here, in England , our people are also patriots of the Kremlin tyranny. They are also swindlers and liars concerning this theme. It is simply awful.

I have recently read your article in the "Daimohk". Everything is true. However, it is really interesting: WHAT FOR do the Russian leaders do everything to damage the country? And what for is this massacre?

You write that Putin does it because of his personal vanity.

However Putin is far from being the only one in the world history, who behaves so. All leaders of the states - the former republics of the USSR (except for Baltic) do the same. All leaders of the countries of the social camp in the East Europe did the same. Lenin, Stalin, Mao Tszedun, Paul Pot, Kim Ir Sen, Cedenbal did the same.

Even the leaders of the empires of Inks, Aztecs, and Mayas did nearly the same! However, they did not prevent economy to develop normally. They did not arrange famine, as they do in our country.

The other day there was a popular scientific TV program in England on the theme of psychology. It was about the practice of human sacrifices in the tribes of Inks and Mayas. Ideologically it was based on that "ostensibly the Supreme God of the Sun gives life to people from his own "blood", people should repay to the deity, or else the god can become angry.

Thousands of victims had been killed for several days; walls of temples were plentifully poured with human blood. They were captives, but also there could be citizens as well.

Why did tsars, priests, and aristocrats do it?

BECAUSE OF FEAR! The fear is the tool of psychological violence. The natural fear of death was always used for maintenance of psychological domination above the population. The fear will paralyze the mind and will. People become pliable for any manipulations.

The concept of "the general enemy" also has a great role.

American scientists carried out such an experiment. Students of a university, supporters of different parties ("democrats" and "republicans") were given a task: to make a portion of spicy sauce for their "political supporters" and "opponents". The students poured approximately identical quantity of the sauce to the "supporters" and the "opponents". Then they were given the task to imagine their own death and to describe their funerals. After that they repeated the task with the sauce. And the result amazingly changed! The students poured twice more sauce to the "opponents", than to the "supporters"!

So the fear, which was activated in sub-consciousness, influences people. It forces to rally with "yours" and to behave aggressively, hostilely in relation to "others'", to whom they just recently have not wished anything bad.

Our leaders did not study psychology at universities. But even without it they know how to manipulate, what tricks to apply. ALL criminal natures are brilliant psychologists at a spontaneous level. They are experts of psychological swindle, stunting.

Cultural people have some supervising instincts constraining them, factors, mechanisms, such as: concepts of honor, kindness, and morals.

Criminal people do not have shame, pity, conscience, morals. They easily do harm and artfully lie. And if they have authority, a great authority - they are especially impudent. And then they terrorize the whole country, but so dexterously, that they make an advantage of sufferings and fear of people. They are able to direct the created by them in scales of a society negative to the channel, necessary to them. This is how the population rallies with their torturers at the authority and is ready to hate other people - as a matter of fact their fellow sufferers, non-Russians and Russians, in the country and abroad. People are artificially separated, and each person needs an illusion of his "unity" with the state, as a small fish-pilot in a waterway with a shark.

But sharks do not eat small fishes-pilots, and our native leaders are much more blood-thirsty, than that God of the Sun. And people know it. Our people are far from being silly; they are intellectually well educated and not bad informed. It is impossible to live in a country and not to know, what authority you have and how it treats you. It is necessary to know, to understand, that the war is very harmful for everybody, for Russians and for Caucasians. That bad peace is better than a good war.

But courageous Anna Politkovskaya goes to the places of events in vain; mother of two children risks her life to tell Russians the truth from the primary source in vain. She thinks, that people do not know, what happens there, that they are deceived; that is why they think so badly about Chechens and the Chechen Republic .

But it is not the matter! The matter is that emotions, instincts always get the best of judiciousness, objectivity. People impudently deform everything, forge as their emotional sub-consciousness demands. They perfectly know that they lie, but it does not prevent to receive moral satisfaction from the virtual reality represented by them.

These people are not visionaries, no. Quite often they are quite practical people superb guided in reality. And simultaneously they need verbal illusion for emotional satisfaction.

Do you remember the novel of George Orwell "1984", where a local employee of the state security "works" with the protagonist, a heterodox? He subjects him to tortures stage by stage, amplifying sufferings. At a certain stage the executioner says, "Well, here you are; we have corrected your ideas. Now we should correct your emotions". And he makes him to suffer even more. As the result of it the protagonist feels alienation to his girlfriend, who was dear to him, and he begins to love the Big Brother.

The same happens in our country. People are emotionally rallied with their torturers. They always take the party of the authority, worship to the leader (to a tsar, a president), the same like Egyptians worshipped to their pharaoh. The mentality of people in conditions of despotism is such.

Millenniums have passed. Techniques has developed, has changed extremely. And the nature of a person has not improved at all! We are still the same.

We are a part of the nature. People and animals are like bio-robots programmed by the God or the nature. The system of instincts is a "program" having its range and restrictive limits. A robot cannot change the program.

But if in civilized countries their orders usually appeal to the best human instincts, encouraging them, and limiting the bad, antisocial instincts by the law, we have everything on the contrary. Authorities try to waken and cause the darkest, lowest instincts of the people from sub-consciousness, and to play them as they need.

In fact, it is possible to direct even the instincts of animals. It is possible to make a dog spiteful, aggressive. And it is possible to make it a friend of a cat, if to teach it from the young age. It is possible also to make a cat a friend of a mouse, if to put a mouse near kittens. The parent instinct, dominating in this situation, will get the best. And the cat will take care of the mouse.

The science about behavior – behaviorism – was condemned in our country as "a bourgeois pseudo science". This science, obviously, could explain how the authority manipulates with public consciousness.

So, what for do our leaders injure the country? Probably, because it is favorable for them. The main thing for them is authority, including the psychological one. Authority is the most terrible drug. And also money, which those, who are at the authority have. That the country and people are poor does not mean that the leaders are poor as well. They are rich. They lose nothing because of poverty of the people, but on the contrary. The more sufferings people have, the more obedient they are, they are more pliable, and then it is easy to rule them.

Irina Smith, a Russian from England , for Chechenpress


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