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 DEC 10

 With Controversies And contradictions, History Repeats Itself

  posted by EAGLE on December 10, 2006 3:25 PM as HUMAN RIGHTS

With Controversies and contradictions, History Repeats Itself
Controversies and contradictions are the main dominant factors on the present situation which reflects astonishments and surprises alongside the tragic events that took place with all the subsequent effects and turn outs that followed and still.
All of the high sophistications that had been used for committing horrible crimes around the world, with the responsible authorities keeping silent and even shy and bashful to point at the criminal and/or criminals (probably for the possibility of getting a retirement job from one of those giant projects in the future), which obviously is considered crystal clear facts, figures, and traces to follow the criminals and their bosses and associates all the way to their nests, and directly to the point of evil conspiracies’ planning theatre in their ghost-house residencies!
The Late Alexander Litvinenko, (May Almighty God Bless His Scared Soul) was followed, scanned, observed, monitored, targeted, and eventually cornered and trapped, by those gangsters who are professional in disastrous, savage, uncivilized, inhumane, and twisted criminal methods, who are the agents and employees of evils and devils, that managed to circulate and distribute their terrorist tricks and savage murders wherever there is a potential victim of theirs.
They have no worries or attentions for the magnitude of echoes that their assassinations, murders, and crimes would reach as long as they are already implementing their tasks that might strike the news media in the whole world.
All criminal acts that were observed, monitored and recorded in the recent history of the so-called Russian Federation era, during the time of Yeltsin and Putin, which started from, two Chechen/Russian Wars in a row, with what went on in between and alongside with, such as the murder of Chechen Presidents and Chechen celebrities, the Dagestan Massacres, the “Nord-Ost, theatre on Dubravka Street” massacre, Beslan criminal events, the Nalchik events, the Moscow attack that Kabardino-Balkarian Minister of Culture was subjected to, the Cossacks irresponsible “backed by authorities” acts against the People and minorities of Shapsugia, the poison usage against varieties of people, abducting, kidnapping, torturing, Russian Genocide against the Chechen Nation, atrocities committed against nations beyond the North Caucasus such as the Marie People, the Nation of Tetersatan, the People of Beshkeria etc., etc., and the Human Rights violations that are always followed by burying the evidence, which is considered a crime by itself.
While thoughts and cross-thoughts are active, and while setting in a public place, an attractive article in a local magazine entitled (A “LOVING” SON) enabled the logical comparison of some of the elements.

“A brief illustration which the writer brought a story from the Roman history: Agrippina, although she got married the emperor Claudius, and convinced him to adopt Nero as his own son, thus making Nero heir to the throne, Agrippina hoped to keep Claudius younger son Britannicus in reserve should Nero get out of control. When Claudius died (probably poisoned by Agrippina) and Nero became emperor in the year 54 AD, Nero was not yet seventeen. At first Agrippina ruled on his behalf, but her son quickly tired of this and had her removed to a separate residence. Probably not by coincidence, Britannicus dropped dead after a dinner party at the place on the day before he was to be declared adult.

Nero, an overweight, ugly, and unattractive, who appeared in public wearing an open gown and no shoes, ruled justly for five years, but this mostly the work of his advisors; Nero himself was not interested in day-to-day running of empire, and had married his step-sister Octavia, but the marriage was not happy. He took mistresses, most importantly Poppaea Sabina, the wife of one of his friends whom he was sent away to Spain as a governor. When Agrippina disliked her son’s acts, she allied with Octavia to reassert her influence; Nero’s response was to begin trying to have his mother killed.

After three attempts by poison and one by rigging the roof over her bed to make it collapse, a special boat was built to fall apart in the see while Agrippina was onboard. Later one of his mother’s servants arrived to tell Nero the happy news: Agrippina’s boat had sunk, but fortunately she’d survived by swimming away. Enraged, Nero threw a dagger down beside the servant and accused him of having been sent by Agrippino to kill him. That gave Nero the excuse to confront his mother openly and accordingly she was clubbed to death.

Nero descended further into depravity and performed on public and private stages at a time when acting and singing were considered unsavory professions. No one was allowed to leave the theatre while he performed, and even women were giving birth in his audience. He surrounded himself with corrupt advisors, executed Octavia on charges of adultery in order to marry Poppaea (whom he later kicked to death when she complained about his coming home late).

He won an Olympic race despite falling off-because no one dared to defeat him.

But Nero is most infamous for “fiddling while Rome burned” during the great fire that which destroyed the city in the year 64 AD.

While he watched the fire from his balcony, Nero (ever the performer) sang a song about the destruction of Troy. Suspicions indicted that Nero himself started the great fire stems, due to the fact that he used a vast tract of the destroyed land to build a private pleasure garden. To be fair Nero also rebuilt a great deal of the city at his own expense, but the sheer magnificence of his new palace kept the accusation alive. To deflect blame, he found scapegoats in the form in a small religious sect called Christians, whom he had crucified, thrown to beasts in the circus, or burned at night to light his garden.

Later on countless people were executed on charges of plotting to kill the emperor, and while Nero spent most of his time performing in Greece, the empire fell apart around him. In the provinces outside Rome, general after general refused to recognize Nero as emperor. Finally the Senate did the same thing in the year 68 AD, and ordered him flogged to death.

Rather than facing the sentence, Nero decided to commit suicide.”
When things are done exactly the way they were done, in the past, they would trigger the indication, even though they are twenty one centuries apart!
When all of those thoughts are cross-talking in the mind to come up with a conclusion, for the first while, it looks like a difficult puzzle to solve out, but connecting the facts, concentration, and following the primary elements would lead to the solution!
That is if, and only if, the responsible authorities in the civilized world wanted to do so!!

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