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 DEC 11

 The Mini-Soviet Union

  posted by EAGLE on December 11, 2007 7:00 PM as IMPERIALISM

The Mini-Soviet Union

The Soviet Unionthat had collapsed and had to get out of existence due to many internal and external factors and effects, left a complicated legacy that ranged and varied between the special paralyzed special services that used to be called KGB, which used to run the whole country inside-out, and at the same time had decided the fate and destiny of all citizens in the buried Soviet Union and what was called the Soviet Block which included the Eastern European States that were ruled officially by the Communist Parties that were essentially connected with the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party in Moscow, under the supervision and exclusive domination of the KGB that used to be dominated by the Russians who consisted of the vast majority of the population, and at certain time the direct and indirect influence that extended between Cuba, Angola, Ethiopia, South Yemen, and the Middle East getting at intervals at a particular stage to the famous Afghanistan, South Vietnam and North Korea.

The observers still remember the "KGB-Soviet-Communist" involvement in what was called at that time the liberation movements in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, for a so-called noble cause of liberating the colonized nations in the Third World, that were colonized by the, then famous dominating British and French Imperialist states, while at the same time the citizens of the so-called Soviet Union’s Republics at the time, the citizens of Eastern Europe, and the so-called  Social States (the states that were considered of choosing the Social Economical System, that proved later the deficiency, inefficiency and ineffective outcome of the countries’ economies) were brutally and savagely controlled, ruled, and governed by the standard police and Stalinist regimes and in accordance with general standard headlines and instructions from Moscow.

The secret and magic of the official Soviet policies were laying in the fact that the Soviet regime and all other sub-regimes and/or authorities that whether belonged to the official setting of 15 Soviet Republics, or to the individual republics that controlled many other nations such as the Republics of Russia and Georgia, that were implementing policies of colonizing more than one hundred nations against their well, but at the same time they were interfering in the ending of international imperialism and colonialism!

“One way” Mutual Defense treaties were signed with all those proxies that navigated in the Soviet sphere, for the only purpose of asserting influence and dictating international relations to get  domination, authority and power over other imperial structures, such as theWarso Pact System, or the mutual treaties.

The fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s of the Twentieth Century, as what was described in the Moscow Times by David Marples as “Ending the Empire Ove A Few Drinks” which he described the events of the collapse and started “Sixteen years ago Saturday, the leaders of the three Slavic republics of the Soviet Union gathered at a hunting lodge in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha nature reserve near Minsk and signed an agreement that spelled the end of the Soviet Union. Boris Yeltsin of Russia, Leonid Kravchuk of Ukraine and Stanislav Shushkevich of Belarus signed the Belovezh Agreement, which created the Commonwealth of Independent States, on Dec. 8, 1991.”  The quake that created instability which lead to encourage the three Baltic Republics and then continued to the rest, and even wind of change had reached republics within Georgia, and the so-called Federal Republic Of Russia such as Tatarstan and Chechnya, which seemingly considered disastrous to the authorities which were taken by surprise of the wind of quick change that resulted to effect all contents of the regime’s security and intelligence institutions and agencies,  that used to run all walks of life in the “Republics Of Fear”, the so-called Republics of the Soviet Union, but in actual fact the Committee for StateSecurity (KGB) was centrally having a coordinated control with the junta that used to reside in the Kremlin which used to be the Russian Empire’s headquarter.

Knowing the KGB as the structure  that was able to control the personal relations between the members of the same families and the married couples, and consequently all parts of the collapsed state, which appeared that the most important factor that evolved and developed, was the inability and incompetence of the KGB to maintain control over the official state structures, the way that used to be made them to work under the tables and behind the screens to try to do something to save what they can out of the dying empire which they planned and executed a coup against Gorbachev and the change that occurred in Moscow, and some of the Communist Leaders who were placed in the front of the events, which had to pay for the consequences when the coup failed after the “CNN covered” counter movement took place by Yeltsin’s supporters and the armed forces in addition to the citizens that took to the streets and even went to the KGB offices, and threw their files in the streets, because they had enough of the evil Soviet Communist system that restricted their life and freedom, and they wanted to feel the breeze of freedom and liberty blowing over the land of fear.

At the same time and in parallel, some other KGB elements had engaged themselves with the counter coup forces, and worked with them in an opportunist strategy and arrangement to get the KGB’s target of maintaining grab on power over all substances of the state and life, but this time in a cool, deceiving and trickery methods, in addition to changing the name in the so-called Federal Republic of Russia, to Federal Security Services (FSB), which is in fact a combination of KGB/FSB that in the new era the KGB maintained control under a new polished and decorative title; but with the same contents of all what the KGB meant in the Soviet era, with a difference initially in the way the newly named FSB, that was steered and controlled by the same staff that had been graduated from the “KGB Academy”, which dealt with people, the events and circumstances without a noticeable intentions until in few years time when they managed to climb up, reclaim and reach the pyramid of the state’s authorities starting from the Kremlin to asserting the presidency and controlling the eventualities and occurrences, to reach again to all governmental and non-governmental organizations, agencies, establishments, administrations, and functional structures.

The corruption, corrosion, inefficiency, bankruptcy in administrative, financial, and functional structure of the state and government, made it necessary to increase the debts when loans from all countries, especially the West, and the World Bank, made the Russian Federation obligated for debts that reached and exceeded One Hundred Billion Dollars, which made it barely possible to pay the interests of those loans and debts, which made the Russian state to lose power and  influence over the ex-Soviet Republics and elsewhere, beside their inability to fight and win against few thousands of the Chechen resistance fighters which made Russia after a defeat in Chechnya to leave and sign a peace accord with the North Caucasus Chechen Republic, and to withdraw all its forces from the troubled republic after the end of the 1994-1996 Chechen Independence War, for a futre round of fighting when circumstances are better.

The title of this article “the Mini-Soviet Union” pertains to the Russian new, but old colonial  ambitionsof greed and possession conduct over more than one hundred nations within the so-called Russian Federation, and beyond to reach other nations, countries and regions, irrespective of human rights, and legitimate rights of “self-determination”, which resumed after bankruptcy interruption, since the early years of the Twenty First Century, and with the developing and unprecedented international events, situations, and circumstances, the Petro-Dollar Age of Russiahad started, risen, and the oil & gas prices increased that were reaching the stage of jumping and leaping prices from fifteen dollars a barrel for the oil, which is still climbing to reach 80’s, 90’s, or even approaching one hundred Dollars in the coming future if the trend keeps the way it is now, made it possible for the imperial influence to wake up again in the Russian brain and body, and even to extend to areas that were not part of the former Russian and Soviet influence.

The Kremlin even used the method of “ride high” in all dimensions on top of events both internally and in the international stage, and was one of those who rode the wave of popularity in regard to the newly invented expression, “terrorism”.

Gas and oil pipelines, and other energy sources started reaching thousands of miles that is scattered from the old Soviet republics such as Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Belarus, to reach European Union’s states such as Greece, Italy, and Germany, and worth mentioning at this stage that famous European leaders such as the former German Chancellor Schroederbecame one of the executives and employees for the newly established Russian Oil and Gas companies and sub-companies!

Political and economical influence of the Kremlin, made it possible to start reaching new horizons, dimensions, and extents, to the degree of reclaiming being a super power, and even started playing the former cold war games and tactics, by the use of new tools, equipment, and agendas, plus using the old and worn strategic Soviet equipment.

In addition to all the mentioned above, or not mentioned, a recent reward of victory in the secretly run elections that brought the Kremlin’s ruling party and its allies to win the elections in a way that shows what kind of tactics and strategies were selected and followed, which conclude policies of oppression, collateral punishment, murder, assassination, torture, imprisonment, human rights abuse, and deception.

Aeschylus said “Time brings all things to pass”, and Helen Hunt Jackson also said “Who longer waits most surely wins”…



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