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 OCT 25

 Nalchik Events

  posted by EAGLE on October 25, 2005 6:20 PM as NORTH CAUCASUS

The following were posted in "International Caucasisn Forum" in regard to the Nalchik Events:
Sun Oct 23, 2005

hyppo wrote:
it was arranged by outsiders(chechens, ingush) but carried out by locals, who, in fact, are not nationalistically but religiously influenced.

but i wonder at something else- how dumb it was. Obviously, what on earth 200 gunmen could achieve attacking the capital of a populous republic under the protection of a 150 mln country. Theoretically it would be easier to arrange explosions.

I am afraid chechens wanted blood, it makes the performance brighter, louder and WAY more complicated for federals to deal with. And for that, they used unemployed, dumb, but trained and brainwashed kabardenian ship, why to waste their own precious kind.

even here, we are spawns in somebody's game, and are merely used to carry across somebody else's points.

Post reply by eagle:
Nalchik Events
Even though your comments are giving a hint of indication that your preferences are of a colonial supporting ones, but logic would require the necessity of reader with common sense to question your way of misleading towards ignoring the fact that all the nations of the North Caucasus region had suffered and still from the Russian criminal policies and conducts of slaughter, genocide, abduction, ethnic cleansing, brutal occupation, destroying national heritage, and all the monstrous acts that an imperial or colonial occupying forces would perform.

The 150 million inhabitants that you are referring to are simply are 150 million people that considered slaves (with all respect) that are dealt with by a police state type of KGB/FSB style of government that controls more than 70 nationalities within a so-called federation against their well under the fake and false unrealistic words of such as federal, democracy, citizens and all types of words with empty contents.
The 200 gunmen mentioned in your post did not and will not alone liberate motherland, but persistence, faith, and colonial resistance would show the path for the promising future.

Once upon a time, many ideas such as yours were given when brave men and women from all nationalities who were supposed to be slaves for the buried Soviet Communist KGB style of ruling government and systematical humiliation of human beings, had worked day and night to liberate all peoples and nationalities of different roots and origins from slavery, subjugation and domination.

These actions and reactions that are going on in the occupied North Caucasus Republics are a natural continuation of natural reaction for those series of wars that Russians and "Russists" had initiated and carried out and still within the last 300 years through continuous brutal aggression.
The matter is not as described being outsiders influencing insiders to fight Russians in the occupied Caucasus as such, but it's a matter of principles that the colonized nations are revolting against Russian colonial presence.

The oppressed nations and peoples who are under the direct dictatorial rule of the rulers who reside at the Kremlin will one day achieve freedom and independence.

Those events remind us of the following two famous quotations:
"The truth always matches, piece by piece, with other parts of the truth"
Woodrow Wilson

"The further backward you can look, the further forward you are likely to see"
Winston Churchill

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