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 OCT 16

 FSB Agents Are Orchestrating All Anti-Freedom Activities

  posted by EAGLE on October 16, 2007 10:25 PM as IMPERIALISM

FSB Agents Are Orchestrating All Anti-Freedom Activities

A comment was posted on one of the Adyga Group’s Websites, and signed by “Adigha Story”, criticized the recent protests that Circassians who are not under the influence of the Kremlin’s rulers in the North Caucasus Region, voluntarily and with truthfulness, sincerity, honesty, and faithfulness. The so-called “Adigha Story” did not show any criticism against the celebrations of 450 yearsof “false” association with thecolonialRussian State, and the SochiWinter Olympic Games - 2014, which are going to be held on the Cemeteries of perished Circassians who were trying to defend their Homeland against the barbaric Tsarist Russianinvaders!

It is worth mentioning the reply to that comment, that was also posted on “Adiga Pulse”, which stated the following: “With all respect to your point of view, I would like to indicate my opinion which refers to many similar ideas like yours during the Soviet Era when some individuals were frightened and they were even trying to frighten others of the mighty Soviet Union. We can conclude now what happened to the Communist Soviet Union and it is buried as if it never was there. The same we can say about the tyrant Tsarist Russia. Many other examples are there. Being away from motherlandsince the year 1864, will make Circassians able to wait some more timeuntil their rights are restored from whoever is trying to stop making rights reach them.”

One more Russian backed, and seems to be “brainwashed” person in the name of “Osman Mazukabzov”, who is worried about his future and partnership it seems, and he is prepared to produce, and set up lists of people’s names, to pretend that they are supporting Russian occupation to their Homeland, and to support Russian policies; but there is no way to criticize the Diaspora Circassians who are neither under the Russian influence nor pushed to falsely support the Russian imperial policies. How can a victim celebrate the memory of her/his slaughter and/or her/his slavery?

It is fact of life, that those proxies and blood-traders, who are Russists and Putinists more than the Russians, (not mentioning the occupied nations and citizens who are controlled and ruled by the imperial state) who are directed and guided by the Russian FSB. They are opportunists and agents who made out of themselves voluntary slaves, who are ready to work for their bosses against the Circassian Nation, by those who were supposed to belong to the people that they claimed they belonged to!

Whatever they do, their open and clear lies are, or their fake lists of signatures that they prepare and organize, while the real people and citizens are not aware of what is going on, because those authorities’ power representatives who are accompanied by the FSB spies, traitors, and agents are claiming that those poor and oppressed citizensare unaware of what the propaganda machine and the arms of evil are trying to pretend that people are doing something against their own interest and well-being. Definitely, it seems that those lists that they are preparing look like that in “absentee business” of elections and so on so forth, which makes the occupiers and their partners (businessmen), the ones who claim that they are able to steer the destiny of the oppressed, and colonized nations.

No one can deny that the Circassians in Motherland are living in a police-state that is ruled and managed by the FSB/KGBtype of mixed governmental/Security Services authority that looks like a ruling junta (Junto) LTD., that are headed by the famous East Berlin based, ex-KGB/FSB spy and agent in Eastern Europe and former East Germany, and Chief of FSB in post Soviet era FSB, Vladimir Putin.

It is so strange to notice the advices and recommendations that come from those who got no sense of responsibility and/or national awareness, because they worth nothing and they even don’t mean anything for their masters. They are only tools, and one day their masters will discard and dump them in junk yards.

The blessed active movement of Circassians in different parts of the large Diaspora and in Motherlandhad circulated and sent the warning signals for the colonial occupiers and their proxies in all circles and directions. Messages and warnings went as fast and rapid as the lightning strike, as loud as the thunder, and as clear as the real Circassian consciousness. There are individuals and groups who got worried from the consequences of the honest and sincere feelings of those who participated in explaining and expressing the inner and deep feelings and concerns about the Circassian nation’s very survival and salvation issues.

To describe those who exaggerated the Circassians’ move and even tried to present it in a negative attitude need to be pointed at with a suitable title, which will not go to the extent of only traitors of the Circassian Nation, but will go to be described as agents and/or proxies to the enemy of their own nation (that is if just in case they were real Circassians, which I personally doubt that), which automatically gives the conclusion of opposing the nature of Human Kind of protecting human valuessuch as dignity, liberty, freedom, and independence, which are as a conclusion of enjoying to adopt the right of self-determination.

Kavkaz Memo’s "CAUCASIAN KNOT" posted an article in Russian Language that is dated 15/10/2007, which mentioned what happened with the described FSB agent that was kidnapped in Nalchik? His name is Murat Gergokov. They did not describe him properly because he is originated from the North Caucasus. He and his wife used to be close friends to some of the members of “Kabardino-Balkaria Jamaat”. It is believed, that all Russian and other MEDIA will write about him as if he is FSB officer; but it obvious that the FSB was the exact party that kidnapped him. It is well-known policy that expert people who reside in the North Caucasus, and who are familiar with the FSB style and technique through the years, have got an idea about the whereabouts of the kidnapped victims. Usually those people will disappear forever. The FSB takes them to Khankhala or to Essentuki, where they have secret bases. They want to extract and find out some information. They use terrible torture methods and then after all if the victim is still alive they inject him with poison. They have many methods to torture the bodies. This is today’s Caucasus. What changes limited demonstrations would bring? The number of kidnapped people in one article could reach hundreds.

Let’s remind all concerned about the famous story of a greedy adventurer that, after a long standoff, and when he saw that the invaders are encircling and surrounding the fortress of his people, he presented himself and his services to tell, show, and guide the invaders, through the secret that would enable them to storm and run-through the fortress to get a status of the ruler of that fortress when the battles are over, and the fortress is occupied in return. When the fortress was captured by the invaders, and the conquerors started their celebrations, the adventurer came forward to get what he was promised; but instead he was hanged, and the conqueror told him in front of everybody, that he who betrayed his own people, it would be possible to betray others…




 Sent: 10/17/2007 11:50 AM
The name of the game

Osman Mazukabzov is appointed director of official Internet site  "Adyghe Khasa" of USA 


By decision of the board of directors "Adyghe Khasa" of America (New Jersey), Osman Mazukabzov was appointed the director of the official Internet site of the organization. The purpose of the given appointment is increase of attention to work with young generation of Adygs in America and worldwide through official information-entertaining site.

Here is what Osman Mazukabzov told in that occasion: "At present we hold works on new Internet site of "Adyghe Khasa". The best experts on Northern Caucasus are designing the project. My task is creation of practical, effective and high-quality Internet resource for attraction of young generation to affairs of our organization. Instead of Yahoo or AOL Adygeyan youth will communicate on our site where they can learn latest news about Khasa, congratulate their friends and familiars on anniversaries, place announcements of weddings and final evenings, get acquainted with each other for strengthening of the friendship between young Adygs in New Jersey. In the future I would like to make of the site a center of dialogue of all Adygs in America. And it is possible, considering that more than 80 percent of population in the USA have access to Internet."

"We invite all Adygeyan managers and web-masters to cooperation with the official site "Adyghe Khasa". So if you have qualitative texts on history and traditions of Adygs in English, write to the project director Osman Mazukabzov by e-mail: info@kavkazweb.info"-, informed the new appointed director.



salam aleikum!
i am curious what you mean by FSB agents? To become an agent you have to be trained in FSB academy. Just like FBI.
If I understand correctly some of the people you mentioned in the article live in USA. If they are in fact KSB agents then they would be known to CIA and other organizations. They dont joke around with stuff like that.
I highly dout that any of the people you mentioned are in fact FSB agents. These are simply adigas who share a different point of view. If you live in the Caucasus you will find out that most adigas in the homeland do not speak badly about Russia. Only a select few think that Russia is an occupier. They were the ones who took up arms agaist security forces in Oct 2005. Vast majority shares the opinion that Russia is a friendly force. After all, Russia is all they know. 99% have never visited any other country and can not amagine a life without Russia. Like it or not, the guys you spoke of who are supposadly russian agents, represent popular oppinion.
Sent: 10/24/2007 5:03 AM

Hello Rashid,

The logical conclusion, and the way a fair observer would look at things, depends on the elements of the questions asked, and/or the issues tackled.

I agree with your suggested scenario that the FSB agent should be trained in the FSB academy, which is the fundamental step to be working in that field; but in real life, it is possible to see that agents and spies are working at different levels, that get different magnitude of training. Some of them get expensive training, while some others get cheap training.

Cheap agents and spies might not even get any training, but they present their efforts of relaying information or spreading false news and rumors, and those who are voluntarily taking this opportunity and task to fulfill certain needs to their egos, and self-desires. Expensive agents and spies may take millions for their evil services.

If there are FSB agents and spies, or assistant agents and spies of the small ranks in USA for an example, the FBI and CIA would not tell you and/or tell us how they handle them. They might keep them under observation and monitoring until they can get positive proves that those are related in a way or another to other intelligent agencies. I would think that as far as those guys are not interfering with internal U.S. affairs, they won’t bother to go after them.

We can learn and find out by experience how the FSB agents had killed one of the former agents in Washington D. C., the method they selected to kill the former KGB/FSB agent Litvinyenko in London, England, and the way they killed the former Chechen President Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev in Doha, Qatar.

To say that the majority would support Russia! That is not true at all. You are accusing the silent majority of being the supporters of Russian occupiers who are still performing oppression, ethnic cleansing, and all kinds of crimes against our beloved people and Motherland. You are either ignoring or you are not properly informed about torture, ignoring the norms and habits of Circassians and other occupied nations, and last but not least the crime of criminating the bodies of the perished Circassians during the October, 2005 Nalchik attack against the Russian FSB and security positions.

You seem to be even forgetting and/or neglecting that our people in homeland got an idea about the 95% of Circassians who were either killed by the Russian criminal invaders or were pushed to leave Motherland to forced exile, in the 19th Century!
Did Circassians leave Motherland for recreational reasons to tour 52 countries of the world? I don't think that you would buy that junk!

Accordingly, I totally disagree with your claims.


From Rashid:
Sent: 10/25/2007 2:50 AM
despite all of this, I highly dout that your examples of some posts on internet websites are anything more then personal attacks on adigas who do not share your view of the world. thus, I am shocked that you would spread such accusations on the internet without any regard for the truth. I am sorry, but either you are childish, or intentionaly spreading lies. you have no hard evidance that these people work for FSB. Even you admited one has to be trained to work for FSB. I am not sure if you know, but to become an FSB officer it is very hard to get in to the accademy. Its extrimly competative.
yes, adygas were killed. yes the war was wrong. yes it needs to be recognized. but who says your way (war with Russia) is the best way to solf the problems? I think adigas should decide for themselves the best way to solf issues. I have not dout that majority of adigas are peaceful and law abiding citizens. they are proud to be adigas and they are proud to be russian citizens. it may be hard for you to understand that, may be the best example would be to visit Jordan. Adigas in Jordan are proud of being Jordanians.
the best solution for adigas is to work hard and rebuild their homeland and return home from diaspora. right now homeland is very poor. there are no jobs, no future for youth. another war with Russia will obliterate any chance of restoring the glory of Adiga Nation. Good example is Chechniya - a waitland, with its people spread all over Russia. over 400,000 killed. Adigas would not be able to servise such a war. We would be finished. So please, stop pushing this idea. Be more realistic. Its time for reality check!

From Eagle_wng:
Sent: 10/25/2007 11:13 PM
We Should Call Things The Way They Are
“Evil FSB” expression is not only my way of description, but the description of Russians with live conscious, that are effected with the contamination of the “police state” policies. They are the provocateurs who target colonized nations, individuals, and Human Rights organizations & individuals.

No one is entitled to assume the ignorance of others!

To address the consequences of the genocide that was committed by criminal Tsarist Russia, against the Circassian nation, we should call things the way they are without twisting the facts or the occurrences. To ask for legitimate rights does not mean in any way that Circassians should select a violent path to restore their rights of freedom and self-determination. To be Adiga or Circassian does not mean that you have to be a Russian citizen. With this mentality, if this argument had to take place during the Soviet era, you would’ve had decided that Adigas or Circassians “are proud to be Soviet citizens”! The “rubber stamp” statement was the invention of the KGB, and still at the present time the statement that FSB and its agents & spies are provoking not within Circassians and North Caucasians only, but all oppressed nations that are ruled by the imperial state. Circassian got no interest in such slogans with empty contents.

Any individual or citizen would appreciate a fair government that deals with all citizens from all origins and religions alike. Look at the ways and means that FSB ruled authorities had dealt with the late journalist Anna Politkovskaya that was murdered under suspicious circumstances, and the evil methods that were used against the Regnum News Agency’s reporter in the North Caucasus, the famous Circassian journalist and human Rights activist Fatima Tlisova. Let’s refer to what she said about the horror that she was subjected to!

Rashid’s way of thinking that was expressed in “it may be hard for you to understand that, may be the best example would be to visit Jordan. Adigas in Jordan are proud of being Jordanians”, got nothing to do with what the Circassians are facing in Motherland in any way. It is not possible to describe as identical, when describing the case of Circassians living in Jordan or any other host country, and the case of Circassians who are living under brutal colonial power’s rule, that is occupying and colonizing the entire North Caucasus. Circassians had travelled since they were forced out of their home land as one of many consequences of the brutal war that was postponed in the year 1864, and they are living as guests in a hospitable country which dealt with them in a way of human harmony and respect, while Circassians living in Motherland who are living in their own country under foreign forced military occupation, were subjected to all kinds of humiliation.

What was mentioned as “right now homeland is very poor. there are no jobs, no future for youth”, should be understood as reasons and outcomes of the Russian occupation and the imperial policies of ethnic cleansing that was targeted against the indigenous people, who are the Circassians in our case.

No one said that Circassians or Adigas should fight Russia! Logic calls for Circassians being under direct occupation and colonization at home or dispersed around the world in 52 countries should start a peaceful long process of conciliation within themselves and to get in contact with the civilized world to explain their problems that were created by the Russian brutal occupation to recognize atrocities and genocide that were committed against the entire nation. If Circassians are weak in relationship to the Russian (Russists) strength, does not mean that they are not entitled to open a truthful and straight- forward dialogue with the Russian occupying authorities to restore the stolen and confiscated rights.

I agree entirely with what was posted on JFNC about the “Dalai Lama’s vision of a Compassionate Future” that deals with the correct path of dealing with oppression and authoritative colonial powers.

From: rashid Sent: 10/26/2007 2:48 AM
i am really trying to understand your logic but i fail. it seams i never will understand it.

With many thanks, the following decisive and straight forward statement is received from the respected Circassian journalist and Human Rights activist, Fatima Tlisova, and it is posted in the following:

Posting The Following, In Order To Tell The Truth…
My name is Fatima Tlisova. I am a journalist. I am writing under my real name, not under a nick name, and that it is in order to tell and to verify the truth, because some of the members of this group asked about the truth.
For 10 continuous years, I worked as a journalist in the North Caucasus. The last four of them, I was the Editor in Chief of the Russian News Agency, Regnum. Seven regions were under my responsibility: Adygeya, Karachaevo-Cherkesiya, Kabardino-Balkaria, Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya, and Dagestan.
I would like to address this verification directly to Osman Mazukabzov.
Do you remember Osman that you used to write letters to my Chief Director in Moscow every single week? The letters were under your own name. In each and every one of them you explained to my Chief Director that due to “under Tlisova's command, a very respectable Russian news agency became a Circassian fascist propaganda tool”. Do you think that I did not see them? Each and every one of them was forwarded to me from my Chief Director.  Do you want me to put here, on this site all the copies of your letters?
Do you know how much I was upset, when my Chief Director finally said: "I did not know that you Circassians have that type of men? He is too much out crying".
Or do you want me to publish here other information that I know about you?
Or you do like to see here some other “copies”?
One day you will have to answer to all my questions, believe me.
However, I am sure that you are not an agent for FSB, because that kind of job is too much difficult for you, as I believe.
I am also sure, that you are simply volunteering your information for FSB, MVD or some others, which actually doesn't matter.

From: rashid Sent: 10/26/2007 5:41 AM
with all respect to this person tlisova, i am not sure why she is addressing me, instead of addressing Osman Mazukabzov, since they are both in USA.  Or is she afriad that she would not be able to tell this to him face to face? Does she have nothing better to do then lower herself to petty personal attacks via internet? Are these the actions of a respected journalist? I think not..
it has become clear to me that some adigas live in lala-land, and have little understanding of real situation in the homeland. and yes, there are those who try to distabilize the region. Day in and day out I read negative news about adigas. Its like someone is intentionaly feeding our people an idea that things are terrible and there is no hope for us except to fight a superpower that is Russia in a fetile attampt to solve problems of our people.
 Does anyone really believe that Russia will do ANYTHING to help adigas now or in the future? When did Russia ever help any ethnic minority? It is up to us, ADIGAS to help solve our issues. What is the point of petty confrontation with Russian authorities? What will it give to our people? Will it feed starving poor jobless circassians? Will it provide security and stability to the region?
The obvious answer is NO. Our future is in our hands. We need to brush away seperatist ideas and get to work on rebuilding our nation. building schools, roads, airports, hotels, factories and univerties. At the same time we need bring our adigas back from diaspora. But the conditions have to be right for their return. Simply inviting them will not work. Providing job opportunities and possibility for a succesful life in the home land will do more to attract circassians, then any hatefull or patriotic speach. Such is life my friends.
with regards,

From: MSN Nicknameahmadidas
Sent: 10/26/2007 8:47 AM
"with all respect to this person tlisova, i am not sure why she is addressing me, instead of addressing Osman Mazukabzov, since they are both in USA.  Or is she afriad that she would not be able to tell this to him face to face? Does she have nothing better to do then lower herself to petty personal attacks via internet? Are these the actions of a respected journalist? I think not.."
I don't think your opinion really matters, and addressing someone on the internet dose not lower someone's self unless you think low of yourself.
"it has become clear to me that some adigas live in lala-land, and have little understanding of real situation in the homeland. and yes, there are those who try to distabilize the region. Day in and day out I read negative news about adigas. Its like someone is intentionaly feeding our people an idea that things are terrible and there is no hope for us except to fight a superpower that is Russia in a fetile attampt to solve problems of our people.
 Does anyone really believe that Russia will do ANYTHING to help adigas now or in the future? When did Russia ever help any ethnic minority? It is up to us, ADIGAS to help solve our issues. What is the point of petty confrontation with Russian authorities? What will it give to our people? Will it feed starving poor jobless circassians? Will it provide security and stability to the region?
The obvious answer is NO. Our future is in our hands. We need to brush away seperatist ideas and get to work on rebuilding our nation. building schools, roads, airports, hotels, factories and univerties. At the same time we need bring our adigas back from diaspora. But the conditions have to be right for their return. Simply inviting them will not work. Providing job opportunities and possibility for a succesful life in the home land will do more to attract circassians, then any hatefull or patriotic speach. Such is life my friends."
Nobody in here said we should fight the Russians, if you ask for what is your  right, that dose not mean that you want to fight, however it is people like you who we should ask ourselves if they are really circassians, you contradict yourself in  what you say, we all want what is good for our people, "lala-land"  is what people with low self esteem ( or questionable reasons) that you use the "lala-land" argument to justify their point of view.
Yes we want to create more jobs in our homeland, because Russians wont feed the hungry or the poor, it is in our hands to do it, but at least we try to do something, speak, write, argue... until our voice is heard, and what we mostly need is not to associate ourselves with people such as yourself, and if you don't like what is written around here, feel free to leave. 

From: MSN NicknameEagle_wng Sent: 10/26/2007 9:01 AM
Replying To Rashid’s Nonsense…
You have to mind your language when you address any one who is respected, in the minds and hearts of many people who seek the truth
Your claim that “Our future is in our hands” is not true in any way, and that will not happen with the presence of the occupation that you are defending.

The way that you are presenting your idea of “We need to brush away seperatist ideas and get to work on rebuilding our nation.” It seems that you are defending the idea of attaching yourself and whoever behind your ideas with the colonial state that created all atrocities to Circassians and tens of other occupied nations.

The statement that you stated: “building schools, roads, airports, hotels, factories and univerties.” Is totally ridiculous, because who opposed and prevented the occupation from doing those duties of the state that is occupying the land and oppressing the nation.

I am sorry to say that your statement of “At the same time we need bring our adigas back from diaspora. But the conditions have to be right for their return. Simply inviting them will not work. Providing job opportunities and possibility for a succesful life in the home land will do more to attract circassians, then any hatefull or patriotic speach. Such is life my friends.” would seem to be sentences with empty contents(with all respect), after experience since the year 1864, and even before that date that was the official day of the Russian occupation.

Russia will never do anything for the benefits of Adigas “Circassians or any other occupied nationality.

From: MSN Nicknamelove_caucasus Sent: 10/26/2007 10:58 AM
To Rashid.
Since you became a member in JFNC you were told that your membership was not complete because you used a twisted method to sign as member, with no legitimate mail. Also the language you are using is not acceptable and accordingly starting this moment you will be BANNED from our group. With  apologize  from all members.


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