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 OCT 14

 Comments On Imperial Mentality

  posted by EAGLE on October 14, 2007 10:40 PM as IMPERIALISM

Comments On Imperial Mentality

One of the great and sincere supporters to their Circassian Nation in particular and Human dignity for "all nations alike" in general, had translated  an article in the title of: They Are Calling Circassians To The War Against Russia that was originally published on the KavkazWeb.netSite, and signed by "Osman Mazukabzov", who wanted to appear more Russian than the Russian colonialists themselves.

Unfortunately, if the mentioned name is assumed to belong to Adyga, or the Circassian Nation in a way or another, I would take the opportunity through this post to tell all concerned, and even the writer himself that the idea and/or ideas presented in the post are not acceptable at all in any measure or scale of ethics, logic, norms, or decency.

It is worth outlining though that the points that the writer "Osman Mazukabzov" wanted to rush to the readers to push them towards his distrustful purpose, should be verified and refuted in accordance with the following points:

1. The demonstrations that were held in front of the Russian official missions in U.S.A, and Turkey are the natural result of the blessed, self-acting, and spontaneous efforts by well-known and devoted descendents of all of of those who were forced to leave Motherland when the Russian occupying forces occupied Circassia, and all those who were obliged to leave Homeland as a result of the Russian colonial policies against intellectuals and individuals of Human Awareness. It seems that “Osman” didn’t taste the bitterness of being living in exile and Diaspora that it is as wide and as large as 52 countries of the world of today, and the Russian official employees in those missions were able to walk out of their offices to be able to talk with the demonstrators and to find out who they were (their security cameras were monitoring, recording, and observing the events). So many “documented proves” are available to show this person who got no senses or feelings that Circassians and North Caucasians had never dropped the idea of reclaiming their stolen and confiscated legitimate rights.

2. The final goals of the action taken was as simple as reclaiming the rights of the Circassian Nation, and that is the main concern of the Adiga Nation, which they in fact represented a majority of them whether living in Diaspora or Motherland alike.

3. What was described by the claimer as “fascist Internet Sites elot.ru (my poor friend Murat Kyabishev) and heku.ru?”, is considered as alliterate, because the sarcastic way of “giving an account of in words” leads to an indication that what is between the lines lays as a tainted threat to those who are obligated and morally committed to the nation’s worries and concerns. Who asked to separate the Adygan Republics from Russia even by war, as "Osman" claimed? I think that all of our nation would request the unification of Circassia, and to request from the civilized world and/or a democratic and sensible Russian government, to allow Circassians for their legitimate rights of self-determination, liberty, freedom, and independence. The slogans in the demonstrations were clear for whoever wanted to get it right. In brief: a) Genocide against Circassia and Circassians should be recognized by those who committed the awful crime in the nineteenth Century. Apologies, and compensations are due and obligatory by the International Law. b) The Russian big lie of voluntary association with Russia is baseless, inappropriate, unreal, and false. c) The Sochi Winter Olympic Games of the year 2014, is not acceptable on the bones and remains of those heroes who perished while defending homeland against the Russian invaders. All members of the demonstrations know these facts entirely, whether they were in U.S.A., Turkey, or any other country of the 52 countries of the world that Circassians reside in.

4. Ill-omened claims that Adyga people are perceiving ideologies which are dangerous as per the doubtful and fishy statement by “Osman” are not true, and when people are asking and seeking to get their rights in a civilized and clear “ways and means” would be legitimate even though “Osman” is trying to fool the readers by using those expressions. No doubt that such method of jumping up the conclusion is directly related to the ready text that FSB and MVD are professional to adopt through their agents and spies. The sites and authors are there to oppose, follow, and go after all the Russian propaganda and its provocateurs.

5. The legitimate question is: Why do you want to provoke the Adyga people to be offended against the Russian colonial policies of oppression and imperial control? Why you are supporting the policies of the Russian government that are against progress, prosperity, and welfare of what remained of Circassia and the other parts of the North Caucasus? “Osman” is ignoring the facts of the crimes committed by Security Service agency branches and agents, and on top of that “Osman” is in a state of blindfold, regarding the Cossack gangsters in Circassia, and the North Caucasus that were supported, supplied, and backed by all the occupiers’ government branches, and even the top of the pyramid of the authorities in Moscow?

6. Circassians and all other nations of the North Caucasus want their rights, and to maintain their dignity. Where are the rights of the so-called indigenous peoples and nations that considered part of their supposing law and constitution? Who agreed to unite with Russians from all the so-called partners of the present so-called Russian Federation? Russia is to blame, because the Russian colonial ambitions were always there, still, and will never end! Does that surprise “Osman”, or he damn knows this basic information, because it seems that what comes from “Osman” is properly prepared and selected! Is it your Country “Osman”? I want you to refer to those Russian Nazis, who were shouting that “Russia is for Russians”, even when they were trying to kill the Minister of Culture of the Kabardino-Balkaria Republic!!! It seems that the real enemies of Russia are those “Russists” who want to control all occupied nations and to treat them as slaves through their Secret Services “FSB”, and all regional agents, while ignoring all Human Rights issues.

7. You should be extremely sad “Osman” to see that some Adygas yield to the Russian occupiers and colonialists, and become the tools in the hands of unfair government that is still dreaming to entirely eliminate the Circassian Nation, on top of what had been committed of crimes against the millions who were perished, displaced, exiled, and went (and still) through the inhumane ethnic cleansing!

To be or to pretend that you are naive would not help in solving out the problems of Circassians.

The following proverb would end my comments:

“Actions Speak Louder Than words”



Justice For North Caucasus Group

The article dated 11.10.2007, that is presented in the following which was translated from Russian to English Languages (without alteration) for the respected readers to have their own judgment regarding such ideas that seemed to be so strange and so pro-imperialism:

They Are Calling Circassians To The War Against Russia

The demonstration in front of Russian Embassies in USA and Turkey are the culmination of the actions of unknown (or unclear) groups in Adyga community. It is unclear until now who organized these actions. The members of the demonstrations probably tried to take attention to the adyga problems.

But the methods and final goals of the organizers of these actions are far away from the interests of Adyga nation, which they "represented".

Presently, it is noticed on the fascist Internet Sites elot.ru (my poor friend Murat Kyabishev) and heku.ru. We often saw the publications by the same type of "patriots", who are calling Adyga republics to separate from Russia even with the war. Exactly the same slogans were declared by some members of the demonstrations in USA and Turkey.

The ideologies like this are extremely dangerous for Adyga People. And these who are spreading those ideas must be indicated as a crime. There are no doubt that FSB and MVD must check these extremist Sites and the authors.

Why they want to provoke adyga to the conflict with Russia? Why they are making adyga-Nazi propaganda?

The answer is easily clear - they provoke Adyga people with the goal to bring Russia, to break the political and economical reforms in our country. The enemies of Russia are dreaming to see unstable Caucasus, which is dragging down Russia.

Extremely sad that some of the Adygas yield to the enemies’ propaganda and become the tools in the hands of the unfair people.

Justice For North Caucasus Group

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