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 MAY 16

 Commemorating The Circassian Genocide

  posted by EAGLE on May 16, 2007 3:00 PM as HUMAN RIGHTS

Commemorating The Circassian Genocide

Time passes in days, weeks, months, years, and even centuries; but the memory of 21st of May, every year, shall remind of the well-known Russian history of inhuman, unexcused, criminally-persistent, unforgivable, unforgettable, inappropriate, aggressive, brutal, and savage colonial war that Russia waged directly opposite, and facing the Nation and the Country of Circassia, and all the other North Caucasus tiny Nations (comparatively describing), to control and annex the region so as to implement its imperial-colonial ambitious plans of oppressing and dictating the destiny of tens of nations of the North Caucasus and beyond.

Circassians and Adigas commemorate this sad occasion in Motherland and the Diaspora that is extended of 52 countries of the World to honor all of those heroes who devoted their precious lives to their beloved homeland with their valuable sweat and blood, while defending their nation, when the Russian Tsars recruited  and hired the slaves, mercenaries, conspirators, agents, and even traitors of their nations to fight their imperial and aggressive colonial series of wars for conquering and capturing their dream of their life at the time, of reaching the warm waters of the Black sea, and to acquire by brutal military force.

This painful occasion in the history of the Circassians, North Caucasians, and Mankind alike, got unfortunately different types of commemoration by individuals, citizens, peoples, Human Rights Activists and semi-activists, officials, agents, and puppets that got different directions, ambitions, desires, and agendas to observe this trembling, shaking, and chill memories, remembrance, and reminiscence of Human Beings who were subjected to the dimensions of genocide, forced deportation, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, extrajudicial measures, torture, rape, kidnapping, beside destroying all constituents, elements, and ingredients of the Homeland.

 Commemorating this important issue should be given what it deserves of attention and care; but the strange thing is that the memory itself is kidnapped as Motherland was and still, with the implementation of different issues, and suspicious ideological plans that are brought in to the original subject.

They can be verified, classified and clarified as follow:

The commemorators, who are aggrieved, prejudiced, and victims who perished or they are living either in Motherland, Circassia including the Russian colonies, the so-called Circassian/Adiga Republics, and the remaining part that was re-named, annexed, and re-configured by the Russian Imperial state, or in the vast Diaspora, which consists approximately of 80% of Circassians and Adigas, and is extended and made them reside in 52 countries of the World of today, according to the most recent statistics and confirmed figures and numbers.

The celebrators part that consists of the Russian Imperial colonialists, alongside with their supporters of the unknown resources, organized support of propagandistic individuals & agencies, and the  FSB agents, spies, and associates from different origins; but they are the ones who are personally benefiting from the situation of total imperial occupation.

Those strange creatures are even preparing impudently (with their eyes widely opened), to celebrate within the year of 2007, for a “450 years” of false, and fake of the so-called association with Russia! How could anybody voluntarily associate with an aggressor, monster, barbaric & uncivilized or to equalize between a victim or a prey and the beast being in this example represented by the Russian occupiers!

The opportunists, which are third type of those commemorators is the most dangerous of all! It is the opportunist, colorful, sneaky, marked by shiftiness, and those individuals and/or groups with mercury-liquid status, (mercury is entire poisonous heavy metallic element that is liquid at ordinary temperatures) who got the specifications of mercury! Those amazing creatures are ready to celebrate all celebrations with all different parties and to deal with all agendas, regardless of what where the outcomes, provided that their ego is satisfied and pleased. Those mentioned got no ethics, manners, values, and/or moral principles.

We must be grateful for the support that is received from all peace loving individuals, and organizations that their intentions are well-known, and at the same time they are not hiding any pre-determined obligations toward any side, but they are striving for the sake of asserting Human dignity.

Russia, the imperial state still does not recognize that the Russian state had committed the genocide crimes against Circassians and other nations. The refusal came from all the government officials including the State Duma, and the office of the Russian president. Therefore, the international community and the civilized World are urged to take the necessary steps for the World to recognize Russia’s crimes, and to take the required action to implement that.

The get-together events that are going to take place in a meaningful memorial day, will be a tribute, admiration, and respect to all of those who perished as victims of a pre-determined criminal foreign savage aggression with colonial and imperial intentions through performing their directives, which resulted in creating disastrous consequences and impacts on Circassia, as a North Caucasus nation, and the country with what thas expression would mean and indicate.

The attractive strategic location of Circassia and other North Caucasus nations made the area as an attractive and valuable hunt for all ambitious conquerors and colonialists. The most persistent, is the most recent and the one that is still holding and ruling tens of nations against their wishes, which should not be the problem of only those who are under the impact of the Russian inhuman actions, but the rest of the World also holds ethical commitments.

We should commemorate, pay tribute, remember, and pray for the souls of all of those Circassians and North Caucasians who defended their dear homeland with all possible ways and means, that they got against the well organized and well-equipped Russian armies and armed forces, that used their usual brutal, barbaric, and savage intentional methods with no mercy what so ever, that subjected the whole population to ethnic cleansing, genocide, slaughter, and forced refuge & deportation, to as wide and as extent as the world.

People are neither chest board stones, nor robots. Also they are not spring-loaded toys. Human Beings got senses, concerns, worries, and above all, intelligence.

We must be grateful for the support that is granted from Human Rights activists, and all people of good will, that are doing their best to verify the rights that are stolen, confiscated, and seized, by choosing the correct, positive and civilized methods to restore the right of self-determination, dignity, freedom, liberty and independence.


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